
Monday, February 01, 2010


Bilderberg is Nazi to the core.

Their banks (JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Banco Santander) engineered and have profited the most from the current financial crisis.

To bail the Bilderberg Nazi bastards out we, the muggins British taxpayer, forked out trillions in loans and guarantees, with even more being dished out in the USA.

The crisis evolved under Bilderbergers Blair, Brown and Balls. They created the FSA which was supposed to regulate The City of London, but which was then asked by Brown and Balls to relax and take it easy. Similar events occured in the USA with their SEC.

The bailout occured under Bilderberger Brown.

To pay for the bailout we are being told to prepare for severe austerity measures, no matter who wins the GE 2010.

The two largest sectors of public expenditure are health and pensions.

Both of these can be most easily attacked by removing persons who require both a pension and health treatment, i.e. old sick people.

A policy called the Liverpool Care Pathway has been developed and made operational within the NHS. Several senior medical personnel have already expressed their concern that old sick people are being unnecessarily placed on this LCP which ultimately leads to a slow death of the 'patient' by starvation and dehydration.

The organisers and financiers of Bilderberg, who are also the engineers of the financial crisis via their bank J P Morgan Chase (for whom Blair and his son now work) were significantly involved with creating and financing Hitler and Nazi Germany, financing the Nazi racial health and hygiene programs and giving IG Farben the technology to prosecute a long war. Hitler implemented the T4 program to exterminate those deemed "life unworthy of life".

So while we create trillions to bail out Nazi bankers we must slash public spending.

This will inevitably put pressure on old sick people.

Old sick people may feel like giving up and committing suicide, such as Pratchett does now, when their relatives are struggling to make ends meet, when life appears shit for everyone.

Pratchett should not give up, but instead fight the Nazi bastards.

He should demand that some of the trillions used for the bailout should instead be used for supreme palliative care and scientific research, which would create many jobs, instead of all the cash going into the vaults of the Bilderberg Nazi banks for their private profit, never to be seen again.

For how can a cure be found for Alzheimers etc if all sufferers kill themselves out of desperation and depression?

Demand the bailouts be repaid in full...NOW!

Bankrupt the Bilderberg banks.

Take the power to create money from the private banks and return it to the people who would elect a bank committee to finance us out of the shithole with a growing stable economy and infrastructure.

It's dead easy. Honest!

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