
Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Michael Foot has died.

So what?

Not The Nine O' Clock News got it dead right in their comedy sketch in which during a heated 'debate' on TV one of the debaters has a heart attack and dies. The surviving politician/debater suddenly changes his oratory from one of virulent attack to one of sycophantic sympathy.

That fictional debate was not about who controls the issuance of our currency...just as today.

Just as it ever was.

Just as it ever will be...

The point of political 'debate' has rarely covered the most important point of who controls our currency.

"Permit me to control and issue a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws", stated the original Zionazi Rothschild, Mayer Amschel.

We can argue and argue and argue over how much should be spent on education, health/death, transport etc. until hell freezes over.

But if we can issue our own currency then why don't we?

If we can issue our own currency then why do we borrow under terms and conditions from banks that engineer wars and financial crises?


If you take out a loan for a few grand there are terms and conditions.

It's the same for a loan of a few billion to the UK government, and Stafford Hospital implies what the terms and conditions are for those kind of loans; MEGA-DEATH!

Yet we are supposed to entrust the government of our nation to fucked-up Oxbridge graduates who have blindly accepted everything they've been brainwashed with and cannot or do not question why or how we are in, or got ourselves into, the historical position we are in now, simply because they've been to Oxbridge and must therefore be right!

Well, Bildermorguer Gideon Rachman got a 1st in History from (Rothschild) Cambridge and has got it wrong 100% of the time!!!

He didn't call the crash.

His Middle East/Iranian history is completely fucked up!

He's called for a world government!

He writes for the FT.


I asked this question a few weeks ago.


Why are we, the world as a whole, in the position we are in now?

Has our current position been engineered, and if so how have the perps been able to do so?

Not just themselves, those selfish unquestioning brainwashed Oxbdridge idiots like Gideon Rachman and David Cameron, but the nation and the world as a whole?

Do they ask themselves this question at night, or are they willingly serving an agenda they cannot or dare not understand?

Do Rachman and Cameron etc. want their kids and grandkids microchipped, 'chipped like slaves were branded, servants to warmongering kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs? If not, is it OK with them that your kids and grandkids are?

Where is this question, and who issues our currency?

If these sycophants really do care about the death of Foot, and he asked that question, then why do they not honour him and ask it again and again and again...

If he did not then is his death worth the media coverage it is receiving?

My sympathy does go out to the Foot family, but let's get a grip, eh?

If he didn't identify the money supply problem then why should we be so concerned?

If he did, then why are living sycophants not championing his wishes?

But why am I so pissed off about this?

Because I have recently rewatched the interview of Aaron Russo by Alex Jones.

In that interview Russo, producer of one of my longtime fave films Trading Places, states that as a friend to one of the Rockefeller family he was told in 2000 by a senior DNA member of that life-sucking family that an event would soon occur that would lead to invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran, and that it would all be a complete farce!!!!

This agrees with the A Clean Break/Rebuilding Americas Defenses agenda of the Zionazis since 9/11 dominating the Caspian/Middle East fossil fuel resources that will be essential to heat European and North American homes when we enter the new ice age, as predicted by respected climatologists and not predicted by the green Nazi WWF-Met Office and its ilk.

But how did the Rockefellers, financiers of the two attempts at world government The League of Nations and The United Nations, become so powerful? Because we insanely gave them and their ilk the power to create our money!!

This blog has drifted a bit, but it is essential to understand why the media fawns over some and not others.

Some families, like the Rockefellers, over the centuries have been able to create money, lots and lots and lots of money, out of nothing, and demand interest, while the rest of us, the 99.9% of hard working families, must work our arses off, just to survive.

If Foot realised this then please point out where and when, and when the fawning sycophants have raised this most important issue in the media.

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