
Friday, March 26, 2010


I do not believe that David Icke is a member of the Ryde Lodge.

I believe the photo to be manipulated.

But why would somebody do this?

David thinks it is due to his new book.

But I think it may go deeper and uglier than that.

David has worked very hard to expose the Hollie Greig story recently. At first threats and arrests (but not of the deserving perps) were made. But now as the story has grown and grown, the focus of discrediting has shifted from the principal investigator Robert Green onto Icke.

You may remember the child abuse case at Haut de la Garenne on Jersey a few years ago. When that story broke several people came forward to claim they were abused at a childrens home in Portsmouth, just across the water from The Isle of Wight. 21 people now say they were abused in childrens homes in Portsmouth. The former Mayor of Portsmouth Fred Emery-Wallis was jailed in 2001 for child molesting.

There seems to be a paedophile link between Portsmouth and Jersey, and lately Guernsey too.

The Ryde Lodge comes under the jurisdiction of the Hampshire Lodge, and Portsmouth is in Hampshire.

Is this all just a coincidence?

If the photo of The Worshipful Brother David Icke has been altered then either
1. six people knowingly posed for the photo knowing that one of them would be edited
2. the photo is genuine but one of them has been edited without being told

So, who are the other five, and who is the sixth?

By the way, David should be praised for his tireless work to expose the sick paedos, and is a brother of the whole of the human race for doing so.

Don't you think so?

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