
Friday, April 02, 2010


The drugs of choice for the club scene have been illegal and thus under the control of the gangstas.

So when a legal drug, easily accessible from plant shops and the internet, comes along that's cheap and gives a high that is reported to be just as great and intense as those illegal drugs, what do you do?

You shit yourself.

All those profits that have given you villas in Majorca and Verbiers and a yacht in Monaco are threatened.

So what do you do?

You get the drug banned. Make it illegal.

But how do you do that?

You could manufacture some yourself, but make it dodgy by mixing it with something, and sell it over the internet. Then when people start dying, it gets banned.

Ah, but.

A big but, with a capital B.

Surely the dodgy something will be discovered in toxicology reports and then the sale leads all the way back to you, and you end up doing bird.

So what else can you do?

You can get your good ol' mates who control the media to scare the shit out of the population.

So a few deaths from young people who have taken Mephedrone are significantly exaggerated and the media is outraged that such a killer drug is so readily available, a phone call away (never mind that alcoholic drinks kill tens of thousands each year, and never mind that that same media sent our boys and girls into contrived wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to kill civilians, or be killed, and bomb civilians with 'smart' weapons from 30,000 feet).

Anyway, after all the media terrorising, Mephedrone is to be banned and only available from the suppliers of ecstasy, cocaine and heroin, i.e. our intelligence agencies.

I wonder how much they'll sell it for?

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