
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The second investigation into the UEA CRU has found them innocent of wrongdoing too.

But hang on. Let's ask some questions about this investigation.
Q: who created and financed it?
A: the UEA themselves

Q: you mean the UEA investigated itself?

Q: who chaired the investigation?
A: Lord Oxburgh

Q: Who is he?
A: Vice-Chair GLOBE UK and Vice-President GLOBE International, Chairman of Shell from 2004-2005, chairman of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association and of the wind energy company Falck Renewables (so he is totally 100% bona fide impartial...NOT!)

Q: What is GLOBE?
A: GLOBE is a global green movement/forum for world leaders to ram through the Nazi green agenda based on bogus science and is intimately linked to The Club of Liars Rome.

Q: were there any criticisms of the CRU in this brilliant whitewash?
A: yes. they are not as keen at rigourous statistical analysis as most scientists (yet global policy affecting six billion people is being rapidly implemented due to their statistical analysis).

Q: So isn't this all a green Nazi scam run by the rich for the rich to implement silent genocide and lucrative carbon trading systems for the Bilderberg banks that buggered us last decade?
A: In the words of the nodding dog in the Churchill Insurance ads, Oh yes!


Scientists cleared of malpractice in UEA's hacked emails inquiry

Researchers 'dedicated if slightly disorganised', but basic science was fair, finds inquiry commissioned by university

The scientists at the centre of the row over the hacked climate emails have been cleared of any deliberate malpractice by the second of three inquiries into their conduct.

The inquiry panel, led by the former chair of the House of Lords science and technology select committee Lord Oxburgh, was commissioned by the University of East Anglia with investigating the research produced by the scientists at its Climatic Research Unit (CRU).

The work of the unit has come under intense scrutiny since November when thousands of private emails between the researchers were released onto the internet. At a press conference earlier today Lord Oxburgh said, "Whatever was said in the emails, the basic science seems to have been done fairly and properly," although his panel did criticise the scientists for not using the best statistical techniques at times.


  1. Bullshit! Unless you're suggesting the CRU funds and organized the British Parliament, your claim that they "investigated themselves" is clearly false.

    The investigation was done by the UK’s Parliamentary Science & Technology Committee" - and they cleared the CRU. You lose again, deniers.

    Better go back to burying your heads in the sand.

  2. 1. this SECOND investigation was created and financed by the UEA and chaired by a Green Nazi, so what do you expect; a brilliant whitewash. The FIRST investigation was by the UK Parliament.

    2. Can I ask you a question, which I invite you and your friends to answer? That question is : how would you create a world government?

    My answer would be to engineer a world war or two, or even three, get people to suggest we need a world government to stop all the fighting and then try to implement a world government when the survivors are exhausted and unable to resist.

    Well, that happened...TWICE. And to engineer and finance world wars takes a lot of money. So where did the money come from? The (privately-owned) Federal Reserve.

    So who owns the Federal Reserve? It's not the US Govt. It's Nazis like the Rockefellers.

    Who financed the first attempt at world government, The League of Nations? The Rockefellers.

    Who financed the second attempt at world government, The United Nations? The Rockefellers.

    And who created The Club of Rome? The Rockefellers.

    And what is the Club of Rome? It is an organisation dedicated to establishing world government. They decided decades ago to use the threat of human population to the planet to establish a branch of world government. That today (or rather yesterday) manifests itself in the green movement, particularly GLOBE and Copenhagen. Check out the membership of The Club of Rome; Kissinger, Soros, Blair etc.

    David Rockefeller said this in his memoirs;
    "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
    i.e. he even admits he is working towards a world government! That's why his family sponsored the Nazis, and donated the HQs of The League of Nations and The United Nations to those world governing bodies, and why he created The Club of Rome.

    The UK Meteorological Office (MO) was just a small branch of the MoD. But after The Club of Rome it starts to get more and more funding, until it is now the monster it is today, predicting the planet will melt and the seas will boil if we don't implement drastic economic policies to slash CO2. Never mind that the vegetables and fruits we eat need CO2 to grow! But anyway, the MO is not run by a Meteorologist. No. It is actually run by a man from the WWF!! So what is the WWF? It was created by
    1. Julian Huxley, President of the Eugenics Society
    2. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, whose mummy is a permanent fixture at Bilderberg
    3. Prince Phillip, first President of the WWF, who after his death wants to be reincarnated as a deadly virus to wipe out billions of people.

    Oh, and The Rockefeller-sponsored UN has proposed that the maximum number of people the planet should carry is about 1 billion.

    So are you going to kill yourself to 'save the planet'? No, I thought not. But you'd see me and the other 'deniers' dead, wouldn't you, just like the Nazi Rockefellers and their ilk would too.

    So with this background, and highly erroneous seasonal forecasts, can you blame me when I say I do not trust the MO and their climate change predictions decades into the future?

    When you start throwing loadsamoney at people they'll say whatever you want them to say. They'll slightly amend data and predictions to keep the money rolling in. That's why even Saint Professor Jones has admitted he will have to 'revise' some of his 'peer-reviewed' work.

    It ain't me burying my head in the sand. My eyes are wide open..and I don't like the Nazi future of a massively depopulated microchipped world under a tyrannical world government.
