
Saturday, May 01, 2010


Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Brown dumped by the same spooks and bankers he's served since Bilderberg 1991!


Well, it looks like the flat-earther bigoted inglorious Bilderberg Brown has been dumped, even by The Guardian! Well, why not? He's done his job...almost.

His main job was to sign the Treaty of Lisbon, which he did with a glowing treacherous smile, despite promising us a referendum. He also encouraged the financial crisis to grow with his 'light touch regulation' of The City of London, while increasing the heavy touch regulation of the British people in general, with spying and prying and databases and ID cards and all the other methods required for a police state.

I know Brown said a few months ago that when he's booted out of Number 10 he will not take a position in the City but will instead work for charity. I don't believe him.

I sincerely hope that he redeems himself by writing that book entitled Memoirs of Bilderberg, in which he and other traitors of Bilderberg 'fess up to their plots and schemes against the world.

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