
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The Daily Telegraph was one of the greatest warmongers of this last decade. It has published its analysis of the latest Wikileaks, and its principal findings are:


Pakistan has armed, trained and coordinated Taliban and al-Qaeda attacks in Afghanistan, according to the military reports.

The leaked documents show the exponential growth in the use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the last six years, from just 308 were recorded in 2004 to 7,155 in 2009.

Iran is waging a secret campaign to arm, train and fund the Taliban-led insurgency against Nato forces in Afghanistan, according to American military reports from 2005 and 2006

The secret work of Task Force 373, the American military unit tasked with the "kill or capture" of senior Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgents is laid bare.

The documents show multiple intelligence reports on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

A notorious Afghan criminal was recruited to spy for Iran before returning to Afghanistan to become a police chief.


The most important to me are paragraphs 3,5 and 6, linking Iran and ObL. They imply that ObL is alive and well, until 2009 at the latest, and that Iran is actively involved with the Taliban, and with paragraph 2 is actively killing NATO soldiers through IEDs. The IED angle was worked to death (no pun intended) mid-decade, and it didn't stick, because it wasn't true.

Anyway, in this latest Wikileak approximately 92000 documents have been 'leaked'. Who is going to read nearly 92000 documents? Not many, so who are most people going to trust? Their favourite newspaper. And what are ALL newspapers saying?

1. ObL is alive
2. Iran is involved with the Taliban.

And NWO papers such as The Guardian, NYT and Der Gladio Spiegel have been verifying all this!?

Is my name David Rockefeller!?


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