
Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Imagine, if you can after consuming your daily dose of mercury, flouride, manganese and God knows what else they put into the food and water supply to dumb you down, a system which we call "freedom".

In this system called "freedom" we are led to believe that we are free, that we have certain rights and that our government is honest and truthful and always sides with the people in the name of fairness and transparency to defend those rights.

But ask yourself this very, very, perhaps the most important, question : why did you go to work today?

Do you love your job so much that you would leave your wife and kids for ten hours or more, or would you rather take them for a nice day out in the countryside to enjoy the fresh air and autumnal colours, or to the seaside, or to a shopping mall to buy them some clothes and educational toys and books?

Most of you went to work today for money.

Most of us work for money because we have to.

But there are a handful of people who can simply create money out of nothing. They feed off your hopes and dreams. They cannot simply create money out of nothing because they want some money for a Dominos Large New Yorker Pizza. No. That would be a bit too obvious. But what they do is create a demand for more money from you, and then they provide it. But they don't have it. They never did. They simply create it out of nothing, lend it to you and you pay it back and with interest. It's that simple.

You may want a loan for a mortgage to put a roof over the heads of you and your family. You may want a loan to improve your business, to buy a larger van, to expand and improve your offices or your warehouse or your IT systems. These are just a few examples of how you can be encouraged to request a loan.

It is such a tremendous privilege, to create money for the economy.

But it has been abused. Seriously abused with tragic consequences. Health treaments and pensions are to be slashed to pay for the bank bailouts, resulting in many more deaths. But it's much worse than this, as will be detailed later.

We can create a time series of how banks have become so powerful.

At T0 Bank A has £100, but can lend out 10x so loans out £1000 at 7% so if all is repaid it has £1070. NB the borrower is led to believe that the bank has £100.
At T1 Bank A now has £1070, but can lend out 10x so loans out £10700 at 7% so if all is repaid it has £11449.

You can see how without lifting a finger (except to type the numbers for the loan into the spreadsheet in order to create the money for the loan) the bank has magically transformed £100 into over £11000 off the sweat and blood of its customers.

And of course, while its customers are toiling and concentrating on working 10 hours a day (just like you) the bank's owners and directors can just sit back, relax, have a laugh at your expense, and think about how to control you further, such as engineering world wars and terror attacks and conjuring up myths such as manmade global warming. And of course, at the end of 10 hours hard graft you are too exhausted and trusting to question what you are told and you follow their suggestions. And the banks owners, through the astronomical profits, can finance virtually anything they want. They can finance semi-secret meetings where the business men and women, the military top brass, the bankers, the royalty and the politicians can meet behind closed doors and agree to implement policies for their benefit, eg war, trillion dollar bank bailouts.

But not only that, they get to decide who gets money. They get to decide who can buy a house, who can save or improve their business, but also who is made bankrupt, jobless and homeless.

So you see, when Vince Cable, as intelligent and suspicious as he is, is extremely naive. His children are growing up in a society run by people who attend and cheer mock human cremations. His children are growing up in a society run by people who worship Mao Tse Tung who killed tens of millions of Chinese, and other genocidal dictatorships such as the Bolsheviks. His children are growing up in a society run by people who deliberately created Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, and after WW2 then recruited certain Nazis for their espionage, propaganda and scientific expertise. His children are growing up in a society run by people who want his children dead, all in the name of reducing carbon dioxide and carbon footprints!

And they can do all this because they have the power to create money out of nothing.

That power has been abused.

That power has to be taken from them, and returned to the people, who would use that power to finance vast improvements in infrastructure and social housing, and other jobs.

The banks are bankrupt. Without our bailouts they'd be bankrupt. Who needs them? We don't. They need us to bail them out. We can create our own money. We've done it before. We can do it agin.

This is not revolutionary.

It's plain common sense.

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