
Friday, September 24, 2010


The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has caused some controversy at the UN General Assembly by speaking a lot of truth about 9/11. From what I can gather he did not spout outrageous ridiculous anti-semitic conspiracy theories, but addressed some of our key concerns about 9/11, eg pristine passports in rubble, and used the phrase "powerful and complex terrorist group" to describe the perps of 9/11. He also suggested that "The majority of the American people as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view,".

The US, UK and other delegations, such as the usual suspects like major Commonwealth nations under orders from the UK, walked out.

But who stayed?

Who did not walk out?

Watch this video from CNN of the speech and the walk out. The vast majority stayed. Does this prove Ahmadinejad's statement that "most nations and politicians around the world agree with this view," that a "powerful and complex terrorist group" embedded within the top layers of US politics and military conspired to commit the terrible and murderous crimes of 9/11 for Israel and oil?

How was a man hiding in a cave and requiring kidney dialysis able to attack the most powerful military nation on earth, and even hit the most protected building on the planet, the Pentagon?

How could the most powerful military nation on earth, which spends more on its military than the rest of the world combined, not detect and intercept the hijacked planes, sending fighters from far away bases over the Atlantic instead of scrambling fighters from Andrews Air Force Baase just a few miles from the Pentagon?

How could the most powerful military nation on earth, with its vast intelligence and espionage network and infrastructure, get it so wrong on Iraq?

Why is it that what has transpired since 9/11 was more or less foretold in two controversial documents written by the same bunch of Zionazis who on 9/11 were in very influential positions, such as Vice President, Secretary of Defense etc?

1 comment:

  1. the real terrorists walked out...................the un should place them under arrest for acts on genocide and war crimes under the geneva convention act.
