
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Oik said this today in Parliament.
Fairness also means that across the entire deficit reduction plan, those with the broadest shoulders should bear the greatest burden. Those with the most should pay the most, including our banks.

Banks, that caused the crisis, will pay a levy that is expected to generate just £2 billion per year.

Yet the further cuts to welfare announced today (£11 billion was announced earlier this year) are expected to save £7 billion per year!

There is something deeply deeply unjust and ugly about this.

The banks have been given the God-like power to create money out of nothing, for the economy, for mortgages, for loans to SMEs, etc. They abused that power and mugged the British taxpayer. We bailed them out. They are not lending to SMEs so how is the private sector expected to pick up the half million jobs announced today? They are not lending to home owners, so where are people expected to live when they can't get a mortgage, housing benefit is being slashed and house building is being slashed?

And the banks have still not signed up to the tax avoidance agreement. Yet Oik announced nearly £1 billion to identify tax avoiders and recoup just £7 billion when it is estimated that tax avoidance amounts to over £120 billion per year!

Yet they will get charged just £2 billion per year!

The banks should be squeezed until their pips squeak.

If they go abroad then great!

Who do we borrow from anyway? You can ask the UK Debt Management Office, but you can't find out. That information is secret...BY LAW! WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW WHO WE ARE BORROWING FROM! But we can all make an educated guess...

The banks caused the crisis. We don't need them. We can create our own money, thank you very much!

We can create our own money for massive infrastructure and house building projects.

We can create our own money for scientific research (but not for technology that can be used to enslave such as microchip implants).

We can create our own money to equip our current and new hospitals with more technology and staff.

We can create our own money to pay for more schools and teachers.

We don't need to borrow anything from anybody.

With the power to create money in our hands we would have the broadest shoulders and could rebuild broken Britain into something we can be proud of.

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