
Saturday, October 02, 2010


They also blow up David Ginola and Gillian Anderson.

Why? Because they portray climate sceptics who aren't active in reducing their carbon footprints.

This infomercial called No Pressure produced by 10:10 really does expose the true death cult behind the green movement.

They don't argue rationally. If you don't believe them they just blow you away!

I am surprised they didn't torture a pregnant climate sceptic before ripping out her baby and feasting on its flesh, all because she didn't believe in manmade global warming.

They created The Club of Rome to use the environment in their lust for world government.

They first terrorised us with global cooling.

They then changed their minds and used global warming to scare us.

Now they've changed it back to global cooling again, as discussed at Bilderberg this year!

But one thing that has remained constant is their bloodlust for world government and megadeath, as spelled out in their Georgia Guidestones and UN documents. They engineered and financed two world wars to get the world government apparatus of the UN and IMF etc. established, and are now in full panic mode because they are way behind in their plans. And as they panic they reveal their true disdain for humanity, including your children. We are sent into engineered wars to fight and die for them, and if we question or don't believe what we're told then tough ; BANG!

They pretend to love the environment but are actually polluting it with mercury, flouride, aluminium, bisphenol-A and a whole laboratory of poisons to dumb you down and slow kill you!

I wouldn't blow up anyone's kids, teachers, footballers etc.

But I wouldn't shed a tear if that Moloch monstrosity at Bohemian Grove was turned into rubble.

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