
Thursday, October 21, 2010


Surely we can't create our own money.

Surely it is too hard, too difficult, beyond our ken.


It's so, so easy.

So how can we create our own money?

We do as the banks do now; simply type some numbers into a spreadsheet!

It really is that simple.

That's how the banks were able to gamble with so much money by inflating a credit bubble, because not only does the money not exist physically, it's only numbers stored electronically so what would the banks lose anyway, but the process to create that money is so straightforward.

So how can the banks just create money out of nothing by typing a few numbers into a spreadsheet when we, as a nation, cannot and do not?

Ask the spineless, grovelling, corrupt MPs in London.

Ask the spineless, grovelling, corrupt MPs in London who sent our boys and girls unprotected into Iraq and Afghanistan based on a pack of lies after an engineered terror attack on 9/11.

Ask the spineless, grovelling, corrupt MPs in London who charged the taxpayer for a duck moat, pornography and chocolate bars for lunch.

Ask the spineless, grovelling, corrupt MPs in London who cheered the loss of a half million public sector jobs and slashes in pensions while they're alright, Jack.

Ask the spineless, grovelling, corrupt MPs in London who have allowed the banks to continue to create our money and continue their gambling after proving themselves so unworthy of that power.

See how easy it is to create money. Create a spreadsheet, in MS Excel for example, called Accounts. Entitle Column A "Name", and enter your name. Entitle Column B "Account Number" and enter a number. Entitle Column C "Balance" and enter 1,000,000. Congratulations! You've just made yourself a millionaire!

It really is that simple.

You may be reading this now in an office or at home lit by light bulbs. Where would we be without light bulbs? Living in the dark. The light bulb is a genius invention. But who was the genius who created the light bulb? Thomas Edison. What does Edison say about money and who should create it?

"If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People."

We can and MUST create our own money and free ourselves from the parasitic banks and the Nazi bankers.

Watch Money as Debt at

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