
Sunday, October 03, 2010


This last week we've been told that there is a plan being hatched in Pakistan to blow up Europe in a series of coordinated Mumbai-style attacks on major cities in Europe, and that this was the reason for the escalation in missile attacks from CIA unmanned drones inside Pakistan, which have also been killing civilians, including women, children and some in their old age.

When the first leak occured we were told that the authorities were really pissed off because now they could not make any arrests, while at the same time warning us that the plotters were still out there.

We were told that the alleged perps had been located and were being listened to, that their phone calls from North Waziristan to Europe were being intercepted, and an alleged British citizen who was allegedly plotting the attacks called Abdul Jabbar had been killed.

There were conflicting reports about just how advanced the plan was, ranging from just a concept to almost imminent. However, the threat level was not increased.

And now the USA and the UK have warned citizens travelling to Europe of an increased threat of terrorism, particularly in France and Germany.

So what is going on?

Have the alleged perps been located and their communications intercepted? If so then why not arrest those in Europe right now, this very second, instead of waiting for the alleged attacks to occur?

How will it look if such attacks do occur?

Cui bono?

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