
Tuesday, October 19, 2010


There is a small event occuring tomorrow in the Parliament of The United Kingdom called the Comprehensive Spending Review. Massive cuts in public spending will be announced.

There was an hors d'oeuvres in June this year, and also today in which Prime Minister David "Dave" Cameron announced how the public spending axe is being used to chop defence. We've just spent nearly £4 billion on Nimrod, but that's being scrapped, i.e. nearly £4 billion wasted. Harriers are being scrapped in favour of Tornadoes because Tornadoes are more suitable for Afghanistan, which clearly indicates that Great Britain at least is staying in Afghanistan for the long haul (and for the opium and heroin). At least we are not renewing Trident for five years at least, but perhaps that we are to build a few new aircraft carriers that will not carry aircraft indicates that there is to be more collaborative military adventures across the globe. To me Cameron implied that the MoD will be one of the "winners", i.e. not cut as harsh as other departments.

But tomorrow is going to be the real bloodbath. It has been cleverly pre-leaked that almost 500,000 public sector jobs will be axed. It has been leaked that spending on the Department of Justice will be savagely cut (and I am extremely interested in exactly how these cuts will be implemented in the DoJ precisely because Big Bilderberg Ken is in charge).

This is the announcement that I expected in June, which although harsh was not devastating.

Tomorrow will be savage.

Tomorrow Bilderberg George "oik" Osborne will announce savage cuts to drag us closer to the New World Order of us v them, the poor masses v the super rich elite, the expendable v the mass murderers.

Or so they think.

Such savage cuts will only expose the complete and indubitable injustice of the massive fraud, the monetary system, the banks, and the New World Order.

So, read my lips; No New World Order.

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