
Monday, November 08, 2010


We fought the Nazis in World War 2. Remember them? The Nazis? And their leader Hitler? The political-cum-genocidal party that The City of London and Wall Street created in order to start and fight in WW2 so that the USA could be dragged into a much longer and bloodier world war than WW1 to 'persuade' the world, the USA included, that we needed some form of world government, after The League of Nations had failed due to the USA opting out?

We fought the nasty Nazis for freedom, for the Jews, for everyone, and by implication we fought for justice and fairness for everyone. After all, what else could anyone who fought the Nazis in WW2 expect, after risking life and limb in the African deserts, in the Asian jungles, in the Scandinavian snow, in the European mud, and on the surface of and underneath the cold, deep oceans?

Well, despite reports that estimate that £120 billion in tax due to HM Revenue and Customs is avoided by the rich and the wealthy EVERY YEAR, our government has decided to demand the bank details of everyone, repeat everyone. Well, that's not quite true. It will not demand the bank details of the rich and the wealthy overseas where the unpaid tax is hidden, because then they would have to go after that £120 billion in unpaid tax. Oh, no. That would be revolution. That could create even more economic disaster.

So the government, in its futile and inglorious quest to save every single penny to save the greedy reckless gambling fraudulent bankrupt banks, will demand that they be given the bank details from the likes of me, you, our friends and families.

And where will these details be stored? On the many 'supersecure' databases that the government has successfully created which can be hacked, or the many CDs, laptops pieces of paper that get thrown away or left in public spaces?

They may even sell such data without your consent to unscrupulous businessmen, like the DVLA sells vehicle registrations to clampers, to 'help pay for the deficit' caused by the banks.

We fought against this fascism in WW2, didn't we?

Please tell me we spilled our blood for freedom not fascism.


We're going after all your bank details: Ministers demand earnings figures in crackdown on welfare fraud

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:49 AM on 8th November 2010

Ministers are seeking access to the bank details of virtually everyone in the country to crack down on the £5billion lost to fraud and error in the welfare system each year.

The Government is to change the law to require the banks and private companies to hand over details of earnings by millions on out-of-work benefits and tax credits.

The scheme will eventually be extended to cover all people in work, allowing HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to reduce the massive errors seen in the tax system in recent years.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. Its not very often i completely agree with someones views,this is a rare exception.
