
Thursday, December 23, 2010


It now appears that Vince Cable was not the only target for The Daily Telegraph. Reporters were sent out with secret recording equipment to pretend to be constituents of a number of LibDem ministers, which implies to me that the DT was on a fishing trip to catch LibDems in vulnerable situations probably with the goal of disrupting the coalition. The relationship between constituent and MP is similar to that of patient and doctor. I've spoken to my MP face to face once and would expect that what was said was kept between the both of us. That implied trust between constituent and MP has now been broken.

But what happened with Vince Cable is very suspicious.

I knew that Cable would be got, and said so in May. But the way he was got raises some very serious questions.

For although it was The Daily Telegraph who did the fishing it was the BBC's Robert Peston who somehow got to break the big story of Cable's war on Murdoch. Cable's kingdom was subsequently reduced, and it now looks like a man who opposed the expansion of the Bilderberg Murdoch empire, Vince Cable, is to be replaced by a man who does support the expansion of the Bilderberg Murdoch empire, Jeremy Hunt.

One could ask, and a lot of people have been asking, why did The Daily Telegraph not report the big story, that Cable had declared war on Murdoch, immediately? Perhaps because of the outcome? That Cable, who would more than likely have ruled against the expansion, would be denied the responsibility of taking that decision. Surely the outcome that has manifested is against the interests of the The Daily Telegraph.

So why would somebody leak the Cable recordings to the BBC to the detriment of their employer?

Reasons could be
1. personal financial gain
2. other

And the "other" is where my suspicion lies.

There is a network of intelligence operatives buried in our media. I call it the Mockingbird Media, after the CIA's Operation Mockingbird. It serves the Bilderberg agenda. It lies to us. It sends us into wars. It serves to keep us occupied with trivia and useless boring entertainment rather than to inform us.

Not every employee in the media is a member of this network, but some are.

One of the main warmongers of the last decade was The Daily Telegraph. It published documents that accused George Galloway of taking kickbacks from Saddam Hussein. Galloway took them to court and won.

The Daily Telegraph released the expense claims of MPs via Ex-SAS major John Wick, but does nothing to expose Bilderberg or the corrupt and fraudulent practices of our banking system, so public anger is directed at MPs not the banks.

The Daily Telegraph has one journalist/blogger of some integrity and independence, James Delingpole, but that's about it.

The Daily Telegraph could not have published the Cable recording because nobody would understand why it had done so if it gave a competitor an advantage.

This very curious leak to Peston benefits two groups; Bilderberg Murdoch, and the banks. Cable is politically wounded for now. After New Year he could be gone from the Cabinet.

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