
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The undead George Soros, the man who nearly bankrupted this nation and made a billion in the process (and still survives, but only just), has now told the EU to save the banks not the nations of the EU. He appears to be very concerned that the EU project may fail if the banks are not recapitalised immediately. The point is that if the current Euro crisis is not resolved quickly then the constituent nations of the EU could leave the Euro and thus destroy decades of Bilderberg manipulation in creating one of the main stepping stones to world government.

Where the "emergency funds" come from that Soros proposes is not stated, but I can guess it will be the IMF, the Bilderberg sister organisation to the EU and part of the coming world government apparatus that stated that it wants to run the global economy and will do so very soon.

Soros does show some humanity (if a vampire can do so) in recognising that dumping the debts of private banks onto the taxpayer is "politically unacceptable", but perhaps if taxpayer anger had not been so overt then he may be quite happy to dump private debts onto taxpayers. On the other hand, if the IMF wants to run the world (perhaps with the inglorious Gordon Brown at the helm) then bankrupting nations is required to 'persuade' them (with a gun to their head) to accept IMF bailouts.

And where would the IMF get the money for the bailouts? It would create it out of nothing, something that sovereign nation states could and should do so that they are not beholden to an organisation hell bent on imposing fascist austerity on behalf of the banks that caused the current financial crisis in the first place!

They fink weer styoopid.

[source : Europe should rescue banks before states, The FT, 14/12/2010]

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