
Monday, December 20, 2010


Twelve people have been arrested today on the suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism in the UK.

But as with the alleged plot to blow up Europe by the mysterious Abdul Jabbar a few months ago, just a month before the US mid-term elections, there is some confusion as to the status of the plot.

The Daily Mail is screaming that the plot is at an advance stage [1], in which case I would expect some materials to be found, and the report even contradicts itself with a quote from Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner John Yates, national lead for counter-terrorism, who is quoted as saying
"The operation is in its early stages so we are unable to go into detail at this time about the suspected offences...However, I believe it was necessary at this time to take action in order to ensure public safety."[1]

However other UK media are reporting a different status of the plot which is in agreement with Yates.

The Independent reports the same quotes from Yates above, but half the report is dedicated to recalling the aforementioned alleged attack to blow up Europe by the mysterious Abdul Jabbar, as well as references to 9/11.[2]

The Guardian takes the same line as The Independent, but refers to the intelligence, or lack of, that led to the arrests.
Counter-terror officials believed a bombing attack was being prepared and arrested the men.

The closeness of Christmas appears to have been a factor, but it is not clear whether investigators were nervous because of any specific intelligence that an attack was imminent, or whether the "landmark" date made them anxious.[3]

The Daily Telegraph also takes this same line, and also refers to the recent attack in Stockholm.
It is not thought the men have any connection with Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, the Stockholm suicide bomber who lived in Luton for many years.[4]

So currently the Mockingbird media is more or less taking the same calm line on these arrests, in that
1. the alleged plot is in its early stages (except for The Daily Mail which claims the plot is advanced but then contradicts itself, which could imply something to us...)
2. no specific intelligence is given
3. the arrests are being made for safety
4. but references to Mumbai-style attacks (that didn't occur), 9/11, the Blazing Underpants bomber and more recently Stockholm are also made just to reinforce the theory that all Muslims are terrorists.

On the first day of Christmas Allah gave to me a terrorist in a pear tree...

[1] Anti-terror squad arrest 12 men 'planning UK terror attack': Christmas plot at advanced stage, say police, The Daily Mail, 20/12/2010

[2] Twelve held following major anti-terror swoop, The Independent, 20/12/2010

[3] Anti-terror police arrest 12 in UK raids, The Guardian, 20/12/2010

[4] Anti-terror police arrest 12 people in nationwide raids, The Daily Telegraph, 20/12/2010

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