
Friday, January 28, 2011


Perhaps the most well known revolution is that which occured in 1917 in Russia. But that consisted of several revolutions over a six month period of 1917. Trotsky left New York for what he called "the re-revolution", and that was only when the Tsar was already on his way out. That was in April. The final revolution occured in October.

It has already been recognised that if the 'wrong' government comes to power in Egypt then political dynamics in the region could take a turn for the worse. We have had no major war in the Middle East for decades because of the pro-Israel governments in the region, including Egypt. If a strongly anti-Israel faction eventually takes control of Egypt, then just as the current peace talks between Israel and the PA have been sabotaged, then this bodes ill, and will point towards the big Middle East war as proposed in The Economist, and just as Albert Pike proposed.

There is currently not much mention of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was originally created in Egypt. The focus of the current revolution in Egypt is el Baradei. But as in 1917, chaos can take months to settle down. Egypt is a big country with centuries of manipulation from the British, and decades of finance from the USA.

I sincerely hope that this is a genuine organic revolution resulting in a strong but peaceful government of the people, for the people, by the people.

But if The Muslim Brotherhood eventually takes control in a counter revolution...

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