
Sunday, February 13, 2011


Eton/Oxford/Bullingdon Bully Prime Minister speak with forked tongue. Him speak of BIIIIG society. Him speak of charity while killing old people via the Liverpool Care Pathway. Him speak of bashing banks but bashes unions instead.

It's all a load of codswallop, and alot of it is designed to get us to do stuff for free so we can pay off the gambling debts of the Nazi banks while killing old people via the Liverpool Care Pathway to satisfy the Nazi death lust of the Nazi banks.

Tens if not hundreds of billions of pounds in tax is dodged...EVERY YEAR.

Tens of billions of pounds in bonuses is paid to gambling bankers who use our money as collateral...EVERY YEAR.

This is the true real BIG society.

BIG tax dodging.

BIG bankers bonuses.

And as for this
This is not another government initiative – it's about giving you the initiative to take control of your life and work with those around you to improve things. It has the power to transform our country. That's why the big society is here to stay.

[source : David Cameron: Have no doubt, the big society is on its way, The Observer, 13/2/2011]

If we created our own money instead of begging from Nazi banks then we can transform our wrecked society into a proud society, one we can believe in, trust in, and be happy in.

At the moment the banks have us by the jaffas. They said they would change, but they didn't. They said they would lend, but they didn't. They said they would be fairer, but they haven't.

Let's start creating our own money and start to rebuild our wrecked society without Nazi banks demanding we kill people that they detest and we love.

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