
Tuesday, February 08, 2011


The following article is perhaps the most important one you will read this year (unless something similar regarding 9/11 is published). It deals with the Oklahoma City explosion in 1995 in which the Alfred P. Murrah Building was destroyed. Rumours of foreknowledge, and certain people not turning up for work, and troops waiting around the corner have circulated for years. But now the final nail in the coffin for the official story has been firmly hammered into place.

If they can do it for the OKC bombing, then they can do it for 9/11, and 7/7 and all the other alleged terror attacks. NATO's Operation Gladio was exposed by former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who also claims that 9/11 was run by the CIA and Mossad. If this is the case then I seriously doubt that MI6 knew nothing about it.

It's all an explosive and murderous fraud designed to bring in a tyrannical world government.

Hitler's men burned the Reichstag. They then went after those they hated.

The goal is to reduce human population to about a billion, at the maximum.

You therefore stand a 1 in 14 chance of surviving.


Confirmed: FBI Got Warning Day Before OKC Bombing

Paul Joseph Watson
February 8, 2011

New documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm that the FBI received a phone call the day before the Oklahoma City bombing warning that the attack was imminent, and that the feds tried to reach a deal with bomber Terry Nichols to take the death penalty off the table if he admitted making the call.

The documents were released to Salt Lake City lawyer Jesse Trentadue, who in the course of of a 15 year battle in trying to ascertain why his brother was tortured to death during an FBI interrogation related to the case, has all but proven the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Building was an inside job run by FBI agents who were handling Timothy McVeigh.

“What that indicates to me, there is a record somewhere of that phone call and the FBI needs to explain it,” said Trentadue in an interview with KTOK News. “If the call was from one of their informants with McVeigh, clearly, they had knowledge of the bombing and didn’t stop it.”

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