
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


If you're a government agent tasked with investigating possible terrorist plots against this country and saving lives, and you receive some information that could help identify a couple of men meeting with the leaders of a suspected large terrorist plot, what are you supposed to do?

Is it:
A) follow it up
B) follow it up
C) follow it up
D) follow it up
E) nothing

Well, would you Adam 'n Steve it, our very own MI5 chose E), nothing!

As a result 52 people died in a series of bombs on July 7th 2005.

Have heads rolled for this insane decision?

Witness G, at the inquest into those who died as a result of 7/7, today claimed the reason to do E) nothing was taken for sound operational reasons, and we will have to believe him because he can't tell us the reason due to national security. A cynic, and I am not saying who exactly, could suggest that MI5 believed that, due to the Covenant of Security between the MI5 and the Islamic terrorists, Khan and Tanweer would never plot to blow up anywhere in the UK so MI5 let them get on with it. But if that is the case then why was Operation Crevice running?

We will never know why Khan was not identified, but we can have an educated guess.

They had opportunities, didn't they?

They had a crystal clear photo, but cropped and mangled it so Khan and Tanweer could not be identified.

They received information in March 2005, which even Witness G says would very probably have identified Khan and Tanweer and increased the chances of stopping their plot, but did not follow it up.

So it would not be unreasonable, ie it is reasonable, to assume that someone within MI5 did not want Khan and Tanweer identified.

Despite recordings indicating they wanted to commit fraud and join the Jihad.

Despite all those arrests for terrorism which resulted in the suspects being quietly released without charge.

But this assumes that the alleged bombers were the bombers and the only bombers. It is possible that other bombs were detonated that they knew nothing about.

We just don't know.

Nearly 6 years later and we are still in the dark about what exactly went on that day and before.

They had chances to stop the 7/7 attacks.

They let the banks rob us blind and we are now killing old people to pay for the bailouts.

Welcome to fascism.


MI5 decided not to follow lead that would have identified 7/7 ringleader

Intelligence service officer tells inquest that he can't explain why agency did not follow lead, for reasons of national security

Esther Addley, Tuesday 22 February 2011 15.39 GMT

MI5 decided not to follow lead that would have identified 7/7 ringleader

Intelligence service officer tells inquest that he can't explain why agency did not follow lead, for reasons of national security

MI5 could have identified the ringleader of the 7 July attacks as a trained jihadist four months before the bombings, it has admitted, but for reasons that it refuses to disclose it decided not to investigate a crucial piece of intelligence.

A senior security services officer told the inquests into the atrocity that he had "a high degree of confidence" that had agents chosen to investigate information in March 2005, that two men called Saddique and Imran, from Batley in Leeds, had trained in Afghanistan in the late 1990s, they would have identified Mohammad Sidique Khan as one of the men.

Khan, from Batley, was the leader of the suicide bomb plot in July 2005, in which 52 people were killed on the underground and a London bus.

A decision was taken not to pursue the lead, however, for "proportionate and reasonable" reasons, said the man, who is giving evidence anonymously as Witness G, but the explanation "cannot be disclosed" for national security reasons. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2011

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