
Sunday, March 13, 2011


Perhaps the main outcome of Bilderberg last year was the green light for an attack on Iran.

Daniel Estulin[1] said he had the agenda for last year, which was
1. Will the Euro Survive?
2. Development in Europe: Europe's Exit Strategy...On Hold?
3. Do We Have Institutions to Deal With the World Economy?
4. Greece: Lessons and Forward-looking Strategies
5. NATO and Afghanistan: The Practical Agenda for the Alliance
6. Iran and Russia: Economic and Financial Threats to the Alliance
7. The Consequences of War Against Terrorism
8. The Influence of Domestic Issues on American Foreign Policy
9. The Outlook for Japan's Economy
10. The Future of the U.S. Dollar: Alternative Scenarios

There is no explicit or implicit discussion of an Arab uprising.

Jim Tucker made no mention of an Arab uprising in his final report on Bilderberg 2010. He did however state that war on Iran was probably on, and that steps were still being taken to establish a global department of energy, a global world treasury department and a global currency.[2]

So what can we deduce from this?

One possibility is that these uprisings are very genuine and at the time of Bilderberg last year were unforeseen. Pastor Williams made his forecast of the crises in October last year, several months after Bilderberg. So it is possible that an immediate direct attack on Iran was stopped by us, or they changed their mind, and have since come up with a new plan to engineer Arab uprisings which would eventually spill over into Iran, to continue the green revolution of 2009. Indeed, the undead George Soros has publicly stated that Iran will suffer the bloodiest of revolutions.

But there is another point of view (as there always is). One commentator on the Arab uprising is Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya at Global Research[3]. He has written several articles on the The Mediterranean Union, which is an expansion of the EU into North Africa and the Middle East. Nazemroaya states that this expansion is an agreement between two factions, the Franco-German faction, and the Anglo-American faction. Now this sounds like a classic Bilderberg plan, cooperating factions using NATO and trade agreements to open up the markets of North Africa and the Middle East to European and American mega corporate fascists.

Was this discussed at Bilderberg last year? It is neither explicitly or implicitly listed in Estulin's leaked agenda, and Tucker does not mention it either.

So what the hell is goin' on?

Is there a huge plan being implemented that very few people know about, not even Bilderberg?

Or are Estulin's and Tucker's sources not quite telling the whole truth?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But what we have seen in the nearly a year since the last Bilderberg meeting is the agenda as provided to Estulin creep slowly forward in some areas, and be discussed in the mockingbird media in others.

The Euro has been in crisis, but survived, and the crisis was used by Bilderbergers to call for more integration.
The IMF is gradually taking control of more national economies, as it said it would.
NATO stepped up its slaughter of Afghan civilians (while wanting to invade Libya on 'humanitarian' grounds).
Iran and Russia have barely been out of the headlines, and always portrayed as the villains.
One major consequence of the war against terrorism has been the TSA patdown controversy.
Pastor Williams has been told of the coming devaluation of the dollar.

And Japan?


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