
Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Gaddafi was brought in from the cold just a few years ago by the Prophet Tony Blair (may war be upon him). Is it more than coincidence that the US-UK-NATO axis of evil is now after him?

Why would they overthrow Gaddafi if he was their friend, buying weapons, signing oil deals with Bilderberg Inc.?

Has Gaddafi reached a deal with them?

I am beginning to see a possible trick.

It would be easy to drive the oil price up by controlling crises rather than risk uncontrolled war, particularly if you control one of the main instigators, The Muslim Brotherhood.

Imagine you have leaders of oil rich nations as allies.

Imagine engineering, or piggybacking onto, a revolution against those leaders.

With those revolutions controlled the Mockingbird media can exaggerate the crises and drive the price of oil up. And if those revolutions expire but have driven the price of oil up and those allies are still in power, with perhaps even more power as happened with Gulf War 1 when a revolution against Saddam was encouraged by the allies but was then betrayed, then the PTB have gained.

Perhaps this desire of the US-UK-NATO axis of evil to invade etc is designed to merely quell the uprising against Gaddafi with the implication that it is imperialist.

Regarding Tunisia and Egypt, for this proposed trick to occur, for an uprising to occur in Libya alone would look a bit suspicious so there were fake revolutions either side of Libya to disguise the plan.

Mubarak has been a NWO puppet for decades. What happened to him?

The same with Ben Ali?

Out of their countries, with loadsamoney (though perhaps not the quantities they hoped) and with rumours that they are in comas, and with control of their countries still in the hands of NWO puppets.

With apparently 'successful' revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and a civil war in Libya, the Saudis are encouraged to rise up.

And Saudi Arabia is the key.

The Saudis do not need to be toppled. Only the perception of a civil war in Saudi Arabia is required to drive the price of oil upto $200 per barrel, just as Pastor Williams stated.

If the Saudis are replaced by The Muslim Brotherhood then we can expect a war on Israel, particularly if they come to power in Egypt, Libya etc.

But if these uprisings fizzle out but have driven the oil price up then...

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