
Monday, April 25, 2011


The Foreign Secretary William Hague, the biographer of William Wilberforce, wishes to assassinate Gaddafi, in complete contravention of UN SCR 1973, and deliver Libya to the warmongering, kiddie-fiddling, genocidal, drug-pushing, megalomaniac New World Order.

The attack on Gadaffi's offices and library are an overt attempt to assassinate Gaddafi. Assassination is not permitted by UN SCR 1973.

Hague was at Bilderberg in 1998. Did he fulfill his duties to the Bilderberg agenda? If not, then this would imply that he is not in full complicity with the Bilderberg agenda. So why does he want to fulfill the Bilderberg agenda now?

Last year, the main outcome of Bilderberg was an agreement on war on Iran. We have not had war on Iran. We stopped it. So the fake Arab Spring has been engineered to remove local resistance to that war on Iran. Kissinger has recently stated that war on Iran is the final goal, and it would agree with his statement that events in Egypt earlier this year were "only the first scene of the first act of a drama that is to be played out".

So is Hague the Inglorious Assassin witting or unwitting in Bilderberg's plans for war on Iran?

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