
Friday, May 27, 2011


A country is engaged in imperialist wars yet cannot find water for its sick elderly, and is indeed engaged in a secret plan to kill its sick elderly.

But the country is not Nazi Germany 1943.

It is Great Britain 2011.

The Care Quality Commission very recently inspected 12 hospitals in its Dignity and nutrition for older people project. Its findings are disgraceful.

The NHS regulator today criticises the service for failing some elderly patients by giving them what the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, called "appalling levels of care" in hospital.

Inspection reports compiled by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) take the health service to task for not respecting the privacy of some senior citizens receiving treatment or ensuring they eat properly.

The reports reveal that three out of 12 hospitals in England where standards of dignity and nutrition for older patients were assessed in spot checks were not meeting the basic standards which they are legally obliged to deliver.[1]

The current government have been in power now for over a year. Cameron made the NHS his own personal project, repeating his own personal experiences of the NHS.

But as well as bailing out the Nazi gambling banks and allowing them to gamble (which could lead to an even bigger financial crisis later) without any prosecution for any crime no matter how small, bashing unions but not the banks (who financed his election campaign), and leaving the big tax dodgers and evaders alone, he has now engaged this cash strapped country in an illegal war in Libya, that is expected to cost £1 billion by September[2].

The SAS were sent in to start the civil war in Libya. When Gaddafi did not fall, and was in fact beating the SAS-controlled al Qaeda Libyan rebels, the UK, USA and France managed to sneak a UN SCR 1973 allowing them to defend the civilians from both sides. But within hours there were demands from the UK that Gaddafi be assassinated, well beyond the terms of UN SCR 1973. We have instead assassinated three of Gaddafi's grandchildren. The North Africa Takeover Organisation is bombing only one side and has indeed overtly taken sides in a civil war, that it essentially started through the SAS.

So why is there such a desire to topple Gaddafi, while ignoring other uprisings that are being brutally put down with hardly a word of condemnation? In an interview on the Alex Jones show two days ago, former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney stated that a recent geological survey was made of Libya, which found that there was FIVE TIMES the oil that was originally thought!

The UK is now going to send Apache helicopters to Libya. These can attack a location more precisely, and are probably better for attempted assassinations of Gaddafi than fighter jets. But they are more easily shot down than fighter jets. If one does get shot down, will ground troops then be sent in in an act of war?

We shall see.

But with the Liverpool Care Pathway causing great concern and being increasingly recognised as euthanasia, and now this Care Quality Commission report on the disgraceful treatment of the sick elderly, can we be proud of our 'Britishness' when we are killing grandchildren for Libyan natural resources?

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Cameron.

[1] NHS failing in basic care of some elderly patients, warns watchdog, The Guardian, 26/05/2011

[2] Libya: Britain's £1bn war, The Guardian, 22/05/2011

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