
Tuesday, May 03, 2011


The NYT reported that 79 personnel in four helicopters were involved in the operation to assassinate an alleged Osama bin Laden.

But The Daily Mail is reporting that just 24 went in, and that one helicopter was shot down as it approached the compound BEFORE ObL was allegedly shot.
In the early hours of May 1, two dozen members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six went in.

[source : How Bin Laden's most trusted courier led CIA to the compound where he had been living for 'SIX YEARS', The Daily Mail, 3/5/2011]

The NYT reports that one helicopter was hit during the escape. So how many personnel and how many helicopters a) went in, b) returned?

This DM report also admits that ObLs son could have been taken alive. If so, where is he?

This DM report also states that among the survivors were
a wife, a daughter and eight to nine other children who did not belong to Bin Laden

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