
Friday, June 10, 2011


I did not see the interview of Prince Philip by Fiona Bruce shown by the BBC last night, but from accounts I have read and heard it was fawning and sycophantic and far from incisive.

Phil is 90 years old today. When he dies he wants to reincarnate as a deadly virus to kill 80% of us. So not long to go now.

Some of Phil's gaffes have been read out today on BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast. Some were racist. Some were ignorant.

The question as to Phil's racism will be answered in which people he wants to kill when he reincarnates as a deadly virus.

Phil is a member of Bilderberg and BeHomo Bohemian Grove. He was instrumental in establishing the Nazi green movement that considers most humans as a cancer. If I said I wanted to reincarnate as a deadly virus to kill 80% of the human race I would be locked up as a madman, but because the consort of the richest and most powerful person in the world says it we are asked to either ignore it or consider it as a simple gaffe.

Taken on its own the reincarnation death wish could be taken as a harmless, idiosynchratic statement from an ageing man. But when considered with his other activities and statements it has to be taken very very seriously indeed.

He probably has a very good idea who the Dark Forces are who killed Diana.

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