
Monday, June 06, 2011


I had some respect for Vince Cable. He had a better understanding than most MPs of the financial crisis.

But I said he'd be got...and he was.

And now he has sold his soul to the banks.

He has betrayed what our fathers and grandfathers fought against the Nazis for in WW2.

In a speech to the GMB today, Faustus Cable threatened the unions with tougher strike laws, even though the number of strikes and days lost through strikes are comparatively very very low indeed.

Millions of unsuspecting law abiding muggins British taxpayers, who trusted their leaders and government to be told the truth and treated with respect, are soon to be kicked in the teeth and dumped on to the streets because of the engineered reckless behaviour of a bunch of greedy brainless [...]s in The City of London who are going unpunished.

Just to repeat.

We are in this economic mess because of the banks.

Not because of Labour economic policies.

Not because of the unions.

Because of the greedy thoughtless disrespecting behaviour of the banks.



Not the unions.

The banks.

Hitler banned strikes. Hitler killed old and/or sick people.

Our fathers and grandfathers fought Hitler in WW2, so that we could care for our old and/or sick people...and go on strike. Instead we are killing our old and/or sick people through the Liverpool Care Pathway and straightforward neglect, and now Faustus Cable is threatening tougher strike laws if the unions start to cause trouble.

GMB SecGen Paul Kenny got it spot on this morning.

"We're a serious union, we've got over 600,000 members, we invited him here to talk to our members about jobs and the economy, that's what people want to hear. What we've seen is effectively this trail out, because of the failure in dealing with the economy, this trail out of about taking some draconian move to limit strikes. It's an insult to working people.

...I don't think that any strike in this country could inflict the sort of economic damage in our country that the banks and finance [industry] and frankly government policy have done,

...It's funny they encourage strikes in Egypt, and they want to ban them in Britain,"

Hague was in Libya over the weekend meeting with and praising the al Qaeda rebs. I can't see Hague praising a mass strike here (unless SAS-controlled al Qaeda rebs organised it?)

This government is revealing its nasty Naziness day by day...and licking the arses of the banks so much that soon they will have no tongues left with which to tell us even more lies and bullshit.

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