
Monday, August 22, 2011


Russia Today has just interviewed Mahdi Nazemroaya who stated that
1. some of the 'journalists' in the hotel where foreign journalists have been forced to stay are not journalists and are only pretending to be journalists
2. these fake journalists have issued threats to him because he has been reporting a different story to the fairytale manufactured by NATO media
3. contacts he has who are loyal to Gaddafi are very confident that the rebels in Tripoli will be beaten, but Nazemroaya believes that this will prompt NATO into a land invasion on humanitarian grounds.

Nazemroaya was clearly distressed and fearful for his life, and the danger was not from Gaddafi loyalists but from the Libyan al Qaeda rebs and the fake journalists.

Nazemroaya and all foreign journalists, be they controlled by NATO and spinning the NATO fairytale or independent like Nazemroaya, in that hotel must be given safe passage and not by NATO but by the UN for example. In an earlier interview Nazemroaya stated that there was a US Congresswoman also present and she was first on the list for rescue. He also showed where the Libyan al Qaeda rebs had looted the hotel of computers and other IT.

Nazemroaya is an independent journalist, a rare breed these days, who simply reports the truth and not the NATO fairytale of honest peaceful revolutionaries waltzing into Tripoli without assistance when NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed.

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