
Tuesday, August 09, 2011


I predicted these riots to a friend this time last year.

My thought process was this;
1. Austerity caused by bailing out greedy gambling Nazi banks would cause even more deprivation and desperation in places like inner city London.
2. But couple that with the banks being bailed out with trillions of taxpayer money and guarantees WITHOUT ONE SINGLE PROSECUTION OF A SENIOR BANKER for wrecking the economy sends out the message that you can do whatever you want and get away with it, i.e. lawlessness rules, and crime does indeed pay
3. Then add to that that for decades there has been a subtle element of social engineering to turn our children into the yobs of the world, through rampant and easily accessed violence in films, on TV and in computer games (that warrior mentality must exist in society if we are to go on the rampage with the USA invading anywhere and everywhere for natural resources and plain and simple imperialism).

But since last summer the Arab Spring with its successful revolutions has also been widely shown on our TVs, indicating that mass action can have an effect.

These three reasons added together with the Arab Spring have been simmering under the surface of society waiting for that one trigger event.

And the Police duly provided it, by shooting dead a man. As with Jean Charles de Menezes, the cops tried to portray the dead man as a violent criminal who shot first. But he wasn't and he didn't.

But one thing that is disturbing me is that the calls for the military to patrol the streets are being widely reported. One thing the Null World Order want is a Paramilitary Police Force. The normal everyday PC or WPC already resembles a hybrid of a member of the military and a member of the SS dressed in black. Just decades ago all they carried was a truncheon and a pair of handcuffs. Many members of the public have reported that the police stood down and watched as the rioters looted shop after shop. I am concerned that the lack of action by the police is a deliberate ploy to provoke the public into demanding that the military patrol the streets. On the other hand this stand down may just be due the cops not wanting another death similar to the disgraceful death of Ian Tomlinson.

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