
Sunday, September 18, 2011


Have you saved all your spare coppers and bagged them up?

Have you even sold unwanted or unused items to raise a bit of extra cash?

Are you ready to donate it all to a good cause?

Well your wait is nearly at an end.

For 17th November 2011 is...BANKERS-IN-NEED DAY!

Forget Children-in-Need Day the day after, on 18th November.

Forget that!

Bankers come first!

Hence Bankers-in-Need Day is the day before Children-in-Need Day so they get all the money.

In fact every day is Bankers-in-Need Day, even Children-in-Need Day but on Children-in-Need Day we make a special attempt to hide the fact that every day is Bankers-in-Need Day and pretend we can save all the children in the world with just £30 million, which equates to the sum of the annual bonuses of just a handful of bankers.

Yes, it's that time of year again. We can bail out the banks with trillions, but for whatever reason we can't quite bail out the children in need, even though they have done nothing wrong, unlike the bankers.

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