
Monday, September 12, 2011


The speech of David Cameron to Russia was on Sky News this morning. There was a definite sense of creeping in Cameron. He made the point that Russia is rich in natural resources and Great Britain has the know how to bring those resources to the market, so if they both work together then they can both win. BP was explicitly mentioned.

Russia recently made a deal with the devil when it reached an agreement with Exxon Mobil to explore deep sea oil reserves together. BP is obviously fishing for a similar deal.

But both BP and EM are the devil's corporations, being part of the Bilderberg One World Corporation apparatus.

Great Britain recently tricked Russia at the UN through UN SCR 1973 regarding Libya.

Great Britain has also accused Andrei Lugovoi of murdering Alexander Litvinenko, but refuses to produce the evidence.

Will Russia betray itself again as it did with Exxon Mobil? If it can reach a huge deal with Exxon Mobil then it can reach a deal with BP. Cameron promised British support for Russia's attempt to join the WTO. Is the WTO that important to Russia?

There is something not quite right about the way both Russia and China abstained on UN SCR 1973, with Medvedev supporting the military action (and thus the racist slaughter of black Libyans) while Putin opposing it likening it to a crusade. Is this a good cop bad cop routine?

There is also something not quite right about the recent deal with Exxon Mobil.

There appears to be a bowing down or capitulation or cooperation which is disturbing.

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