
Saturday, September 17, 2011


Dear President Obama

NATO has just instigated a civil war in Libya and then bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libyan civilians to overthrow an ally against al Qaeda in the Global War on Terror to install al Qaeda criminals who are raping, terrorising and executing black Libyan civilians.

This was all done in the name of freedom and democracy.

Since 1946 there has been a war in Palestine as the vast majority of Jews who did not want to return to Palestine before WW2 were 'persuaded' shall we say to do so after the Null World Order financed Hitler and the Nazis into power, who then began to exterminate the Jews. The Nazis served two purposes. The first was to wage a second world war with its opposame Communism, also created by the Null World Order, with the main purpose of creating a world government in the form of the United Nations, the first attempt The League of Nations having failed due to the USA voting out of it. WW2 was engineered to drag the USA into a longer, more bloody and violent war than WW1 so that the USA would suffer more deaths and casualties than it did in WW1 and thus see a possible benefit in a world government, and FDR engineered Pearl Harbour so that the USA got in there early.

But another purpose of the Nazis and WW2 was to eventually create Israel. Before WW2 World Jewry was against returning to Palestine because of the friction they knew it would cause. But after WW2 that all changed. The Holocaust convinced World Jewry that Palestine and only Palestine would serve as the only possible safe haven against a cruel world. But what has happened is that Jews drove the Palestinians into their own ghettoes and have treated the Palestinians as a source of labour (and target practice), totally against the spirit of The Balfour Declaration. This treatment of Palestinians by Israel has led to the creation of Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism which visited the USA on 9/11 in a big, bloody way. The USA reacted to 9/11 by invading the predominantly Islamic Middle East and Caspian regions. This has satisfied a 150 year old plan for three world wars laid out by a Freemasonic sicko called Albert Pike, which has been implemented from the top of British and American societies, both public and secret.

al Qaeda cites Israel and Palestine as its rasion d'etre. A huge step towards destroying this main source of hate which fuels this Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism could be taken by voting for a Free Palestine. It would also be in the spirit of The Arab Spring in which Middle East and North African peoples are allegedly gaining their freedom and democratic rights.

So let's take this from the top, and no more fuck ups.

Free Palestine!

No more bombs. No more bullets. No more lies.

Just a straightforward Yes to Palestinian statehood.

This is soft and mellow but I hope you can follow.

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