
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


At a press conference in Russia yesterday a BBC journalist asked David Cameron if he was a KGB agent. This was the wrong question to the wrong leader.

Instead, Dmitri Medvedev should have been asked if he was an MI6 agent.

Russia abstained on UN SCR 1973 giving NATO the opportunity to install al Qaeda and criminals who rape, torture and execute black Libyans while NATO carpet bombed Libyan civilians regardless of the colour of their skin. Medvedev publicly stated his support for this.

So why did Russia sign a joint exploration deal with Exxon Mobil and yesterday sign more deals with yet more members of the Bilderberg One World Company?

Russia Today is doing a good job of offering an alternative view of global events, but today it showed a flattering and fawning interview of Anatoly Chubais, head of Rusnano. Chubais is also one of only a handful of Russians to have attended Bilderberg. LPAC accuse Chubais of being a traitor to Russia who works for London. His attendance at Bilderberg supports this accusation. Yesterday Rusnano signed a deal with Bermuda-based Celtic Pharma to create Pro Bono Bio, which will be run by John Mayo CBE, a former Director of SG Warburg. Pro Bono Bio hope to make their fortune in health products for Africa, and yes that's the same Africa that has been destroyed by the predatory banking system of which SG Warburg is a bona fide member.

Rusnano is 100% owned by the Russian government. Chubais was appointed as head of Rusnano by Medvedev.

Russia explains this cooperation as mutual interest. Well, shortly after 9/11 Great Britain and Libya had a mutual interest in hunting al Qaeda. Gaddafi gave MI6 and CIA the names of al Qaeda in Libya and cooperated in the Global War on Terror. That mutual interest has now been betrayed. Gaddafi is now on the run, and it looks like al Qaeda is being given the Libyan oil resources.

Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned there...unless some know something that the rest of us don't.

These NATO boots were made for walking,
and that's just what they'll do.
One of these days these NATO boots are gonna walk all over you...

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