
Sunday, October 16, 2011


We know for a fact that the Liverpool Care Pathway is used to euthanise our elderly and sick folk.

And now a second more cowardly way of killing our old and sick in these times of austerity is raising its ugly head. It involves inserting a form to Do Not Resuscitate into a patient's medical file, but the form is unsigned. Ward staff have been interpreting the presence of this file to mean that a decision to DNR has been taken and the patient is not revived. But for the patient to be left to die the form must be signed, AND the decision to DNR must have been taken after consultation with the patients family. Frequently this consultation with the family has not taken place too.

This is euthanasia, and cowardly at that.

And it is taking place in parallel with the LCP in our hospitals in this Disunited Fascist Kingdom during the imposition of austerity after we bailed out the gambling Nazi bankers while at the same time we spend billions in engineered invasions and civil wars to help bring al Qaeda linked Islamic groups to power.

But what are our nurses and doctors being taught at college and university regarding care and ethics for this to be happening? And who took that decision and when?


Elderly patients condemned to early death by secret use of do not resuscitate orders

Elderly patients are being condemned to an early death by hospitals making secret use of "do not resuscitate" orders, an investigation has found.

By Laura Donnelly and Alastair Jamieson

7:04PM BST 15 Oct 2011

The orders – which record an advance decision that a patient's life should not be saved if their heart stops – are routinely being applied without the knowledge of the patient or their relatives.

On one ward, one-third of DNR orders were issued without consultation with the patient or their family, according to the NHS's own records. At another hospital, junior doctors freely admitted that the forms were filled out by medical teams without the involvement of patients or relatives.

Under medical guidelines, the orders should only be issued after senior staff have discussed the matter with the patient's family. A form, signed by two doctors, is then placed in the patient's notes to record what decision was taken.

The findings emerged in spot checks of 100 hospitals undertaken by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), an official watchdog, earlier this year.

A charity for the elderly said the disclosures were evidence of "euthanasia by the backdoor," with potentially-lethal notices being placed on the files of patients simply because they were old and frail.

...Hospitals are not supposed to put the documents in any patients' files until they have been filled in, in case a blank or half-completed form is mistaken for an order not to resuscitate, as a patient enters cardiac arrest.

In 2009, heart attack victim Peter Clarke was left to die at Derby Hospitals Trust after clerical staff inserted a DNR form into his notes.

Although the document was blank, nursing staff making handover notes misinterpreted it, and said the widower, who had been admitted suffering heart disease and flu-like symptoms, should not be resuscitated if his condition worsened.

When he suffered a heart attack, nurses did not call doctors to revive him. An hour too late they realised the DNR order was blank.

Last year an inquest into his death found staff had been "routinely" placing the forms in medical records before they had been signed and witnessed. The trust stopped the policy, and said it was not aware other patients had been affected.

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