
Thursday, October 20, 2011


It is too much of a coincidence. Clintonella de Vil says she wants Gaddafi captured or killed. A few days later he is reported to be dead. There are conflicting reports of his death; blown up by a NATO air strike, found hiding in a hole, etc. But at least we are seeing photos of an alleged dead Gaddafi, something we were not permitted with the death of Osama bin Marfan Laden.

Gaddafi's alleged death will let a few of people off the hook. If he had been captured alive and brought to The Hague for prosecution he knew where a few skellingtons were hidden.

But there is something curious about all this. Gaddafi was our new best mate. He invested in London, his son gained a PhD from LSE, he gave names of suspected al Qaeda to CIA and MI6 and even tortured alleged al Qaeda suspects for us in the infamous rendition program. Goldman Sachs reported that it had 'lost' a few of Gaddafi's billions. Not good press for Goldman Sachs. And both Russia and China abstained on UN SCR 1973. Immediately our leaders changed the aim of UN SCR 1973 from protection of civilians to one of regime change, even proposing assassination, without any serious protest from Russia or China. And now he is reported dead at the hands of al Qaeda rebels armed and trained by NATO.

You couldn't make this stuff up, could you?

Or could you? The reported rescue of Jessica Lynch was pure Hollywood. But this is on a totally different scale.

So is it possible there is a big Hollywood-style op going down? What was agreed behind closed doors?

The script : a good friend of the West and ally in the Global War on Terror is betrayed by all at the UN, he (or rather his supporters) fight to the death after billions of his fortune are reported lost but are really hidden away in secret account, and he eventually goes down in a blaze of glory, portrayed as the great patriot defending his country, with so far the only evidence of his death being a series of blurred images taken from a mobile phone?

Who would direct and produce such a blockbuster?

But now that NATO has bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed Libya back to the stone age, like Israel bombed Lebanon in 2006, what will NATO get its troops to do next? What work will NATO find for their idle hands to do?

Syria? With Assad reported to be reforming, is the Arab Spring failing there removing the opportunity to overthrow him?

Iran? Iran has been in the crosshairs for decades, and Soros and Kissinger have publicly stated Iran is still in the crosshairs.

Both simultaneously?

One curious statement that supports the Hollywood thesis. In April Kissinger said he wanted the war in Libya to continue. It did. It may be something. It may be nothing. Just one of those things that makes me go, hmmmmmm.

Perhaps we had all better get used to shouting, or perhaps even singing in our new national anthem, Allah U Akbar!

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