
Monday, October 24, 2011


Two recent posts by other authors sum up the global situation.

The first is by Craig Murray entitled Circuses Without Bread[1], in which Murray describes the rise of violence as entertainment as we starve to pay for bank bailouts.

The second is by David Icke, who is a believer in the Albert Pike three-world-war plan, in which Icke views the global picture in terms of engineering yet another world war[2].

The two are linked. Murray states the following.
More death is on the way, to keep the circus going. Then the crowds may not notice there is no bread – no jobs, and their earnings and income eaten up by huge state enforced transfers to the bankers, whether by bailouts or “quantitive easing”.

Icke states that the elite bloodlines are engineering another third world war in line with the plan proposed by freemasonic sicko Albert Pike.

A third world war would mean more death is on the way. Icke has been stating for years that the elite bloodlines have been trying to engineer a world war in the Middle East involving Zionism and Islam which would drag in the USA on one side and Russia and China on the other. I agree with this analysis 100%.

I strongly suspect the Arab Spring is designed to replace governments in the Middle East and North Africa that have so far been friendly to the West, and who have kept a firm lid on the Islamic anger provoked by the barbaric treatment of the Palestinians by Israel, with governments of an Islamic nature who would be prepared to start war on Israel en masse. At the same time as supposedly supporting the Arab Uprisings we deny statehood to the Palestinians, thus driving the Islamic world into even more of a frenzy.

Icke also states that the bank bailouts have been engineered to weaken national governments around the world so they are unable to resist the implementation of a world government. And hungry nations will go to war for resources more easily.

We have seen this old trick before.

In 1929 the Wall Street Crash enriched a few insiders, who were friends and relations of the same people causing this current crisis, while the rest of the world sank into depression. A few years later nations around the world began preparing for world war. Wall Street even helped the Nazis financially and materially for that purpose! As did Great Britain by allowing the Nazis to rebuild the German Wehrmacht way beyond that allowed by the Treaty of Versailles. The result of WW2 was millions and millions of dead people and many nations in rubble, which tricked the world into the acceptance of a world government, which has gradually assumed more and more power, but does not yet overtly rule the world. The persecution of the Jews by the Wall Street-created Nazis tricked world Jewry into accepting Palestine and only Palestine as their only safe haven from a cruel world. Since then Israel, which would not survive without assistance from the Federal Reserve, has been provoking Islamic terror which allegedly manifested itself in 9/11 and the subsequent invasion of the Middle East and Caspian by US and NATO.

At the moment nations still have some sovereignty, but that sovereignty is eroding quickly, but not quickly enough. Today there will be a debate in the House of Corrupt Wretches Commons about a referendum on Europe. Cameron, as other Prime Ministers before him, promised us a referendum on Europe. Today he is using a three line whip ordering Tory MPs to vote against holding a referendum!

If the third world war does occur you can bet it will be more gruesome than WW2, with many more horrible deaths from the use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons used by all sides. Food supplies will be short. Infrastructures completely destroyed. The human race will be unable to resist the implementation of a world government in the form of a vastly empowered United Nations.

And then the horror will have only just begun.

The United Nations, as stated in their Global Biodiversity Assessment 1995, wants a maximum human population of one billion, preferably half that, which is also stated on the mysterious Georgia Guidestones.

That gives you and your family and friends a one in fourteen chance each.

Do you think those are good odds?

A one in fourteen chance of survival?

[1] Circuses Without Bread,

[2] David Icke - They Want To Trigger World War III (Fork in The Road),

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