
Tuesday, November 01, 2011


This morning was again a prime example of the difference between the BBC and Russia Today.

On RT William Engdahl was interviewed about current affairs. He referred to the Greater Middle East Plan proposed by George W Bush. This was an extension of the A Clean Break proposal for Netanyahu in 1996. Engdahl goes into more detail in his Creative Destruction series, in which The National Endowment for Democracy is investigated. In the interview Engdahl stated that the many military bases in Afghanistan are eventually for a war against Russia and China. Of course, those bases are there after the USA accused Afghanistan over the false-flag terror attack of 9/11. All this, including Engdahl's doubt about the eventual outcome of the revolutions and wars in the Greater Middle East, fits perfickly into the Albert Pike three world war plan and the eventual reduction of human population levels to about a half billion people (though the word 'people' is used in its loosest possible meaning because they will be little more than slaves).

The BBC was at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), baking cakes with children. This is much better than trying to make a toy dog take a dump. But you may have recently seen adverts on TV for GOSH asking for donations. The GOSH is recognised internationally as one of the world's leading children's hospitals. So why is GOSH begging for money? Because very few people have any money, because the vampire bankers in the City of London have sucked all the money out of the economy, and because at the same time we are spending billions on an imperialist quest for regime change in the aforementioned plan for a Greater Middle East. So much for Cameron loving children and the NHS! He clearly loves bombs and dead Libyan children more.

Not that RT is perfect. Yesterday's CrossTalk on the alleged overpopulation myth appeared to support Malthus, the man who got it totally wrong on population levels. The discussion was between Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, the man in charge of the UN Population Fund, Martha Madison Campbell a woman who totally believes in the overpopulation myth and Matthew Connelly, who researches the eugenics and population control movement but who also seems to believe that we have to cut our consumption.

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