
Wednesday, November 09, 2011


We overthrew Mossadegh in Operation Ajax because he had the cheek to want to use Iranian oil for the Iranians.

We overthrew Pahlavi because like Mossadegh he had the cheek to want to use Iranian oil for the Iranians.

We gave Iran nuclear technology in the Atoms for Peace program.

Iran was named as a bigger threat to the West than Iraq in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses.

Since 9/11, which was used by PNAC to invade Iraq, Iran has been the subject of international intrigue.

Iran has been accused of
1. being involved in 9/11
2. giving Osama bin Marfan Laden a safe haven
3. blowing up American soldiers in Iraq by supplying IEDs to the 'insurgents'
4. kidnapping British marines

and a whole array of actions deemed as offensive to the US-UK-Israel axis of warmongers.

So with this in mind, the IAEA report which alleges that Iran COULD be THINKING about developing a nuclear bomb, where has the IAEA got its information to make such an allegation?

But some, like former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, have grave doubts about the value of the IAEA report.
“I would be very skeptical about this report that is coming out from the International Atomic Energy Agency, because the IAEA doesn’t really have any intelligence capabilities of its own. It is relying on reports that are coming from other people. I would rather suspect these reports are coming from the US and Israel,” says Giraldi.

[source : IAEA study as pretext for war on Iran, RT, 9/11/2011]

It must also be remembered, as if your life depended on it, that
1. Israel has about 200 nukes
2. Israel is not a signatory to the NPT, so it can have those nukes
3. Israel is not a signatory to the ICC, so it can abuse and murder Palestinians without fear of international reprisal

and both Henry Kissinger and George Soros have threatened war and/or a bloody revolution on Iran as a goal of the Arab Spring.

So even if Iran COULD be THINKING about developing a nuclear bomb, can you blame it, with all these threats and all this hypocrisy?

But an attack on Iran would lead to a wider war, which would involve Hamas, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Syria, and now with Islamists about to take control, Libya and Egypt.

Israel has to be absolutely 100% convinced that Iran is indeed developing a nuclear bomb and that Iran is only weeks away from having one that can be delivered. But Israel must also remember why it was created; from world wars for a final world war.

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