
Wednesday, November 16, 2011



This is the fascism that my grandfathers fought against in WW2.

Young jobless men and women are being forced into working for free or they lose their benefit. They get their JSA for thirty hours a week of work. So what's that? £53/30 = £1.76 per hour. Much less than the minimum wage.

Yes, that is more than the Jews in Nazi concentration camps got. And yes, they are not being sent to the ovens.

But the fascist apparatus is there. That is what fascism is; the corporate state. The state using its muscle to enrich the corporations.

And it is only going to get worse as the global economy sinks deeper and deeper into depression because the Nazi bankers have sucked all the money out of the global economy, begging for bailouts from their gambling, and our Bilderberg leaders are bailing them out.

Why do I call them Nazi bankers? Because the top bankers who created all the derivatives sinking the global economy financed Hitler and also gave him material support for IG Farben to become THE most powerful corporation in the fascist Nazi Germany. They also financed the Nazi racial hygiene programs. I speak primarily of the Rockefeller family who control JP Morgan Chase, the first bank to introduce derivatives and the bank at the top of the derivatives exposure list.

One company named in the below report participating in this fascism is Tesco, who made nearly £4 billion profit last year.

We do indeed live (or just about survive) in a Disunited Fascist Kingdom.

And it is only going to get worse. Much much worse.


Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose unemployment benefits

People taking up work experience places – providing up to 30 hours a week of unpaid labour – face losing benefits if they quit

Shiv Malik, Wednesday 16 November 2011 13.00 GMT

Britain's young unemployed are being sent to work for supermarkets and budget stores for up to two months for no pay and no guarantee of a job, the Guardian can reveal.

Under the government's work experience programme young jobseekers are exempted from national minimum wage laws for up to eight weeks and are being offered placements in Tesco, Poundland, Argos, Sainsbury's and a multitude of other big name businesses.

The Department for Work and Pensions says that if jobseekers "express an interest" in an offer of work experience they must continue to work without pay, after a one-week cooling-off period, or face having their benefits docked.

Young people have told the Guardian that they are doing up to 30 hours a week of unpaid labour and have to be available from 9am to 10pm.

In three such cases jobseekers also claim they were not told about the week's cooling-off period, and that once they showed a willingness to take part in the scheme they were told by their case manager they would be stripped of their £53 a week jobseekers allowance (JSA) if they backed out.

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