
Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Iran has been in the crosshairs of the USA for a long long time. Although it was the USA who first gave Iran nuclear technology in the Atoms for Peace program it is the USA who is now using Iran's nuclear power program as an excuse to wage war and invade that fossil fuel-rich nation in the Caspian basin. It is not a coincidence that Donald Rumsfeld was on the board of ABB when it gave North Korea nuclear technology. A few years later Rumsfeld was pushing for war on North Korea for having nuclear technology. It is also no coincidence that Donald Rumsfeld sold Saddam Hussein WMD. A few years later he and his PNAC buddies pushed for war on Iraq for having WMD (he also accused Iraq of involvement in 9/11 when he was Secretary of Defense when the USAF was mysteriously AWOL).

Anyway, back to war on Iran.

In 2000 PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses which named North Korea, Iraq and Iran as the main obstacles to US hegemony. As just stated PNAC founder and former US Sec Def Rumsfeld gave two of these countries the technology that was later used as excuses for war on them. North Korea has apparently now stopped its nuclear ambitions. Iraq was invaded and Saddam was hung. Iran was named more a threat to the USA than Iraq.

In 2007 British Marines were sent on a spying mission in disputed waters. Iran captured them. Blair and the USA called for war. Iran released the Marines.

In 2009 there was an attempted colour revolution in Iran, labelled Green. It failed.

In 2010 Bilderberg gave a green light for war on Iran. It never happened.

Since then both Henry Kissinger and George Soros have publicly stated that Iran would soon suffer a war or a bloody revolution as part of the Arab Spring. Gaddafi held up this final goal of war on Iran. His very public execution was a warning to others; don't mess with us or you'll end up with a bullet in your head.

Both Syria and Iran were named in the A Clean Break document written for Netanyahu in 1996. William Engdahl states that this was later expanded into a Greater Middle East Project shortly after 9/11. General Wesley Clark wrote in his Winning Modern Wars that shortly after 9/11 the Pentagon started planning wars on seven nations;

Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon were named in A Clean Break, so Sudan, Somalia and Libya were added later as part of the Greater Middle East project.

So Iran is very important to these people. But now with Gaddafi allegedly buried in an unmarked grave in the Libyan desert NATO can now concentrate on two of Israel's main enemies; Syria and Iran.

Nearly a month ago Iran was accused of a bizarre plot to blow up the Saudi Ambassador to the USA in Washington DC using Mexican drug dealers. Iran replied that one of the alleged assassins was a member of the MeK. That plot has since disappeared from the news. The Saudis were threatened with revolution in the Arab Spring but not much has happened in Saudi Arabia, and no protest was made when it sent troops into Bahrain to put down protests there. This implies that the Saudis are part of the apparatus, and they are. It's why they were given all that oil, to finance Wahhabism. Today Press TV has published a document showing how the Saudis gave Palestine to the Jews on the demand of the British[1].

And now the UK has increased its readiness for war on Iran in case the USA soon goes ahead with an attack on Iran[2].

If Syria is attacked Syria will attack Israel.

If Iran is attacked Iran will attack Israel.

If Israel is attacked it will use its nukes.

WW3 anyone?

Not all roads lead to Persia. Perhaps more roads lead to war on and by Israel, for that is its bloody purpose. It is why Israel was given financial and military support to harass and bully the Palestinians. It is why millions of Jews were persecuted in WW2. It is why the British and the Nazis tried to entice Jews to Palestine in The Transfer Agreement. It is why the Saudis stabbed the Palestinians in the back after WW1.

War and Israel are one and the same.


A small cabal of warmongering kiddie-fiddling megalomaniac families want WW3 and took over century to create the conditions for it. WW1 took Palestine from the Ottomans. WW2 persecuted the Jews into eventually creating Israel. Israel was given nukes. The conditions are now nearly there for those Israeli nukes to be used.

[1] Saudi monarchy founder assured UK on Palestine, Press TV, 2/11/2011
[2] UK military steps up plans for Iran attack amid fresh nuclear fears, The Guardian, 2/11/2011

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