
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Yes. Even the Nazis celebrated Christmas.

With Father Christmas, the Nazi hierarchy handing out presents to the public, dinner underneath a decorative Christmas tree and...

praise for the troops.

Yes, the troops.

The troops. Some call them heroes. Some call them zeroes. Some, like Henry Kissinger, call them "dumb stupid animals". Before expressing his opinion of the military thus Kissinger had helped many Nazis escape Nuremberg to work in the USA as part of Operation Paperclip.

Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels' address to the troops on the Eastern Front on Christmas Eve 1941 is full of reference to defending the homeland.

Goebbels would later kill his own children.

The Eastern Front for British troops this year is Afghanistan. We invaded Afghanistan because our ally the USA was defending its own homeland after a false flag terror attack on September 11th 2001 blamed on Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists. Nazi Germany invaded Poland after a false flag event at Gleiwicz.

Perhaps another Eastern Front for our troops is Syria. No doubt the SAS are sniffing around for things for their idle hands to do after helping bring al Qaeda to power in Libya.

Since invading Afghanistan opium production, which had been nearly eradicated by the Taliban, is up to record levels. The British hierarchy has been running opium and heroin for centuries. And it has been reported that NATO troops, American and British included, are not only protecting Afghan opium production but helping distribution!

I make these comparisons to Nazi Germany because the Military Wives will be Top of the Pops this year.

And a recent award ceremony for "the troops", The Sun Military Awards, was reported all over our media. But little mention was made that it was media such as The Sun that sent "the troops" into Iraq based on a stinking pile of bullshit comprising lies about WMD and involvement in 9/11.

While waging imperialist fascist wars of aggression and greed we are killing our old and sick and even our newly born in our dirty hospitals, in order to help pay for bailouts for a banking system that helped to create Hitler in the first place!

Merry Fascist Christmas everybody!

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