
Friday, December 02, 2011


The headline story in The Daily Telegraph today is about euthanasia. It does not explicitly state that but it is[1].

The report addresses the Liverpool Care Pathway, a procedure this blog has accused of killing old and sick people to save money; dead old granny doesn't need a pension, and dead old granny doesn't need expensive health treatment.

According to the report tens of thousands(!!!) of patients are put on the LCP without their families being told.

The first line of the report needs to be seriously questioned. It reads
Tens of thousands of patients with terminal illnesses are being placed on a “death pathway”, almost double the number just two years ago, a study published today shows.

So what needs questioning? The reference to "terminal illness".

Why? Because at the end of the report The Daily Telegraph boasts
Concerns about the pathway were raised first in The Daily Telegraph in 2009 when experts warned that in some cases patients have been put on the pathway only to recover when their families intervened, leading to questions over how people are judged to be in their “last hours and days”.

Why the rush to kill the old and sick, and without consultation with the family?

Why was this pathway permitted to be used in hospitals, when it was designed for use in hospices where people deliberately go to die and die with some dignity?

When you understand the Nazi heritage of our ruling class, their love for eugencis, their moral and financial support for Hitler, their desire to kill "useless eaters" to reduce human population down to between 1/2 and 1 billion, then the LCP is logic.

No, the LCP will not quickly reduce human population levels, but it is merely a logical manifestation of their genocidal psyche. They engineer world wars. They abuse, torture and then kill children in satanic rituals. Killing anyone who looks like they could be on their way out and is alone and vulnerable in a hospital under pressure to save money (while we bail out the Nazi bankers with trillions) is pure logic to them.

[1] Loved ones not always told their relative is on controversial 'death pathway', The Daily Telegraph, 2/12/2011

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