
Monday, February 06, 2012


Financial chaos + military chaos = ?

Well, the answer to this apparently very simple addition is up to us.

We could set both variables to zero very easily, to give zero + zero = zero.

This could be achieved by the following;
1. ban all derivatives and anull all current derivatives contracts.
2. stop the warmongering over Syria and Iran.

If just one is non zero then we could have some trouble but come through.

But if both are non zero then the result is probably a global fascist dicatatorship and mass genocide to bring human population down to around a half billion.

A report from LPAC indicates the problem that Europe alone faces. Apparently European banks will need 5 trillion Euros this year. But where will that come from? Should it be given? Was this allowed and/or engineered to happen?

And why is the current financial chaos occuring at precisely the same time that a nuclear WW3 is looking more and more likely?

Some of us know the answer to this latter question. It is not coincidence. It was planned decades if not centuries ago. The plan is to have so much chaos, caused by a global financial collapse and global nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, that we, or more precisely the severely traumatised and wrecked survivors, submit willingly to a world government proposed as the only solution to the chaos.

What will not be told is that such chaos was engineered by the same people who will run the proposed world government from behind the scenes.

But by then the true horror will have only just begun.


Why the British Monarchy Must Have World War Now
February 4, 2012 • 12:40PM

A senior U.S. intelligence official has warned that the Inter Alpha Group-centered European private banking system is going to need an estimated 5 trillion euro in zero-interest loans this year, to avert a total crash. The source commented on Friday on the fact that European banks have already told the European Central Bank that they will need one trillion euro in discount borrowing before the end of February. In effect, with illegal secret backing from the U.S. Fed, the ECB is running a European carry trade, issuing near zero-interest loans to banks so they can turn around and buy up European sovereign debt, at 5-7 percent yields or more. The "profits" are booked by the banks to cover for the fact that they are hopelessly bankrupt. The source further explained that much of the sovereign debt that the banks are buying cannot be paid. Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland are in the same boat as Greece. It is estimated that Portugese debt will ultimately be redeemed at most at 30 percent value, Spanish debt at 40 percent value. Italian debt is totally unpredictable.

The source emphasized that the one billion euro being demanded this month is but a fraction of what the banks will need over the coming months, and that we have reached a point of "hyperinflationary explosion" that cannot be postponed for much longer. The threshold for an explosion was reached a year ago, the source concluded, and it is only a matter of weeks or months, at the most, before the whole system detonates. Despite Angela Merkel's claim that Greece is a "unique case," and that the haircut being negotiated between the Greek government and private bondholders will not be repeated elsewhere in euroland, the fact is that the Greek deal—if it is ever finalized—will set the framework for Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy.

Commenting on this report on Friday evening, Lyndon LaRouche emphasized that this is why the British Monarchy cannot delay any longer the plans for a thermonuclear war, involving the United States, Russia and China. Already, he noted, their timetable has been thrown way off, due to war-avoidance efforts led by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Russia, China and others. Now, the European and trans-Atlantic financial system is at a break point, and the British Monarchy has so far been unable to yet trigger the global thermonuclear conflagration that they desperately seek, to save their dying Fourth Roman Empire system.

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