
Saturday, February 25, 2012


Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. The king has the majority if not all of the power, and his family occupies most of the sham ministerial positions. Women cannot vote. The kingdom was formed after the Sauds helped the British to stab the Palestinians in the back after the Palestinians were promised independence from the Ottomans if they allied with Great Britain during WW1 to kick the Ottomans out. In return the Palestinians were betrayed and instead got mass Jewish immigration, leading to the creation of Israel and all the squalor, death, bloodshed and barbarity that has resulted since; largest refugee camps in the world in Gaza and West Bank, occupation, wars, terrorism and 9/11 (which the Saudis were involved in).

Uprisings in Saudi Arabia are being brutally put down, with British weapons and assistance. In fact, Saudi Arabia likes to brutally put down uprisings so much it even assists its neighbour Bahrain, another utopia of democracy, in putting down theirs!

Yet the Saudis stormed out of the Enemies of Syria (and everywhere else on the planet) conference on Syria because the attendees could not agree on assisting the Syrian uprising!

Honestly. You could not make this stuff up!

And the Saudis have now publicly stated that they will arm the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

Is that legal?

Maybe Craig Murray could answer that question on international law. Just how far can one country assist a revolution/uprising/rebellion in another country?

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