
Saturday, March 17, 2012


The disinformation war on Syria continues and grows and is getting tacky and ridiculous.

Press TV is reporting that one of the people who was alleged to be in email contact with Bashar al Assad, as implied by the bunch of fake emails that the Khordokovsky-and-green-genocide-loving The Guardian published this week, has denied being in contact with Bashar al Assad and denies that CNN have contacted him over the story[1].
Accusing Western media of fabricating news, Hussein Mortada, who runs local offices of Press TV and al-Alam news channels in the Syrian capital, Damascus, said the Western media claims about his e-mails to Assad were false.

He also emphasized that recent CNN claims about Mortada failing to respond to its contacts about the authenticity of e-mails attributed to him were baseless as he has never been contacted by CNN.

So there is now the possiblity (and I would say 100% probability) that the vast majority of those emails are fraudulent and made up to smear the Syrian leader and his wife in a modern day Diamond Necklace Affair.

But it gets much worse and tackier than that.

The Daily Telegraph is reporting that among the emails was a picture of an anonymous scantily clad woman sent by someone with messages such as "I love you"[2]. What does this remind you of? A few years ago allegations were made that Putin had secretly divorced his wife and married an ex-gymnast. That allegation was untrue, but several newspapers and bloggers carried the allegation as far as they could in an attempt to damage Putin. That didn't work. Neither will this.

But again, let us assume that the email and photo are true. The Guardian told us the accounts have been hacked for a long time now. So it is entirely possible that the Syrian al Qaeda rebs passed on the email address to one of those adult websites and a member or employee of that site sent the photo. It may even have have been the Syrian al Qaeda rebs themselves! Or even a Western intelligence agency we all know and love.

Meanwhile, two intelligence compounds in Damascus have been attacked by the Syrian al Qaeda rebs. The media here is again hinting that maybe Assad did it. Curiously two reports contain the exact same paragraph verbatim.
The regime has touted the attacks as proof that it is being targeted by "terrorists." The opposition accuses forces loyal to the government of being behind the bombings to tarnish the uprising.[3][4]

NB "terrorists".

You can bet that if someone attacked an intelligenc building in the UK the media would not be using "terrorists".

The media here can only hint that the terrorist bombings in Syria are an inside job because if they investigated them in any detail then they would have to address the mother of all inside jobs, 9/11. Without 9/11 we would not have had all the wars and terror and police state laws implemented. Indeed, it was shortly after 9/11 that The Pentagon were ordered to draw up plans for war on seven nations in five years, all of whom had nothing to do with 9/11. Those plans have been executed, with the ultimate goal of war on Iran.

Once a particular number of people realise that 9/11 was an inside job then the scam is over. That number has nearly been reached. And is why the madmen in Washington DC, London and Tel Aviv are under orders to start a war on Iran that will probably lead to a major war in the region, if not global nuclear war. And after that the New World Order will demand a world government dictatorship that they would control.

[1] Press TV chief in Syria denies e-mail correspondence with Assad, Press TV, 16/03/2012

[2] Syria: Bashar al-Assad email reveals mystery near-naked woman, The Daily Telegraph, 16/03/2012

[3] Two blasts hit Syria capital, The Independent, 17/03/2012

[4] Deadly explosions rock Damascus, says Syrian TV, The Guardian, 17/03/2012

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