
Thursday, March 22, 2012


Merah shot dead in a raid on his appartment. Sleep deprivation. 300 rounds. Jumping through windows. Body bag.

It's all a bit...convenient.

Like Gaddafi's asassination.

He won't be able to tell us his contacts, his sources.

But one very intriguing piece of information.

Another series of blasts came shortly after 11am local time.

It came as police in Paris said the convicted Jihadist may have been in touch with a woman in Paris while he was carrying out his crimes.

The mystery woman is said to have been spotted talking to Merah from a train at the Gare de l’Est on Monday – just before he carried out an attack on a Jewish school.

Intrigued by the conversation – which was about the killing of three soldiers - another passenger is said to have asked the mystery woman ‘Were you talking to the Toulouse killer?’

Investigators are taking the lead ‘very seriously’, according to police sources, because it fits in Merah’s telephone records, which have since been compiled by the police.

It also came as the French authorities faced questions as to how the convicted Jihadist had been allowed to live freely after being caught planting bombs for the Taliban in Afghanistan.

[source :, 22/03/2012]

And from the same page


Suspected serial killer Mohammad Mera, who broke out of an Afghanistan jail in 2008 as part of a mass Taliban escape, once kidnapped another man, it has been reported.

A close family friend of the 24-year-old suspect told Le Parisien she knew him well while in the city's Izards housing estate.

The woman, Laela, said: 'He was well known to the police. Around two years ago he kidnapped a young person on the estate.

'I remember that the mother of the boy in question was wandering around the estate trying to find him.

'Finally, her son was freed. And I’m convinced then a complaint was lodged, and Mohammad was heard by investigating officers.'

Following the kidnapping, for which he was never charged, he is said to have 'crossed the estate in combat gear, with a sword in his hand shouting 'Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda!'.

Describing his family as 'charming people', Laela said: 'His mother finally left after divorcing her husband.'

This family split, she said, may have contributed to his slip into anti-social behaviour. But the main reason was Islamic fundamentalism.

She said: 'He was a normal kid who was radicalised. He had exchanges with people on the internet, but also frequently met other Islamists in the region.

'On the estate, he wanted to indoctrinate younger children. One day, for example, he grabbed my little nephew, and took him to a car where he showed him some horrible videos.

'There were scenes of decapitation, things going on in Afghanistan, or images showing the horror of the war.'

So Merah was under surveillance but able to walk around brandishing a sword shouting "al Qaeda!al Qaeda!", and kidnapping boys to indoctrinate into Jihadism by showing them al Qaeda videos of executions and beheadings?!

And he wasn't arrested?!

Who is nuttier? Merah? Or the French security apparatus?

This is beyond insanity.

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