
Sunday, March 04, 2012


Robert Fisk in The Independent today has tried to impress us with some brief but detailed history of Syria. Under the article title Fisk writes,
Nevermind the claims of armchair interventionists and the hypocrisy of Western leaders, this is what is really happening in Syria[1]

Fisk then goes on to detail some of the internal political dynamics of Syria.

I usually have some respect for Fisk. His knowledge of the Middle East is extensive, he is apparently a pacifist, is against Western interference in the Middle East, and has some questions about 9/11, but for some reason he appears to be ignoring one crucial element; the presence in Syria and purpose of Special Forces from non-Arab League countries, e.g. UK, France and USA.

A few days ago he wrote an emotive article which implied a comparison of Homs and the Warsaw Ghetto[2]. He is usually quick to remind us of the massacre of Hama in 1982 by Bashar's father Hafez, which he sneakily links to Bashar with this sentence.
To the north, 30 years ago, Hafez Assad created more than 10,000 "martyrs" in Hama; last week, Homs became a little Hama, the city's martyrdom predicted by its past.[1]

That uprising in Hama was organised and executed by The Muslim Brotherhood, which was created by MI6. The Muslim Brotherhood have now been put into power in Egypt after the Arab Uprising there last year. Are you beginning to see a pattern?

Fisk also appears to have changed his mind about the fate of Bashar al Assad. In an interview with al Jazeera in November last year, after The Arab League suspended Syria, he said that Bashar al Assad did not have long left, saying "Time is running out for Bashar very fast indeed"[3]. But in another interview with al Jazeera last month at the "Enemies of Syria" meeting in Tunis Fisk said he now thought Bashar al Assad now has a long time left (and this was before the Syrian military recently chased the NATO-backed terrorists out of Homs)[4]. In this latter interview Fisk states that there are beheadings of government supporters in Homs, thus supporting the thesis that the rebels are armed terrorist gangs armed from outside Syria.

By the way, if you haven't worked it out yet, al Jazeera is an MI6/CIA/DGSE/NATO etc etc etc operation. Have you ever wondered why tiny Qatar is home to al Jazeera and why Qatar, yet another utopia of democracy in which, much like the absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia, the King and his family have all the wealth and power, has usually been at the front of the interference of other nations during the Arab Spring spreading freedom and democracy? Take Libya. Guess who, along with British Special Forces, worked with the Libyan al Qaeda rebs? Yep. Qatar. The same in Syria today.

Fisk seems to be dodging the question of the presence in Syria and purpose of Special Forces from non-Arab League countries.

So what is going on in Syria?

Well, a suicide bomber killed himself and several others in Daraa yesterday. The most recent Arab League report on Syria, which was buried over here, stated that armed gangs supported from outside Syria were committing terrorist attacks and there was either exaggeration or just plain making stuff up about Syrian military attacks.

The residents of Homs are grateful for being rid of the NATO-backed terrorists and Special Forces from France and Qatar who have been arrested there with sophisticated weapons.
The residents of the Baba Amr neighborhood in the Syrian city of Homs say they are relieved following the arrest of foreign armed gangs by Syrian security forces in the region, Press TV reports.

“We thank the Syrian Army for putting an end to armed terrorist groups that had made it impossible for us to walk safely in the streets and live a normal life,” a Baba Amr resident said.

...Many of those detained were Arab nationals, among them Qatari intelligence agents; others were reportedly from Afghanistan, Turkey and a number of European countries, including France.[5]

The Red Crescent with ambulances were blocked from entering and leaving Baba Amr by the Free Syrian Army.
Aisling Byrne, of the Conflicts Forum in Beirut, told RT the Red Crescent twice sent ambulances to Baba Amr, but both times they were blocked by the FSA.

The humanitarian mission “did get ambulances through to take injured journalists out of Homs, and it was actually the Free Syrian Army who refused to let them leave,” she said, adding that the FSA also obstructed the evacuation of injured civilians.[6]

So why was this evacuation blocked by the terrorist FSA? Because the FSA were using the journalists etc as human shields!
On Saturday 25th, the International Red Cross and the Syrian Red Crescent asked the Free "Syrian" Army for permission to re-enter the area. Being on the spot, I offered my services to the authorities to facilitate the removal of my compatriots and colleagues. The negotiations lasted over four hours. Several states, including France, were kept abreast of these events.

After several twists and turns, the officers of the Free "Syrian" Army received the instruction via satellite to decline. Their encrypted communications with their superiors either ended up in Beirut or were relayed via Beirut. De facto the journalists are being used as human shields even more effectively than civilians, the rebels fearing a final assault by Syrian forces.[7]

NB The Wikipedia page on Syria has been subtly altered recently. In the section reserved for facts and statistics on the right hand side, the bit for President has been amended to include the word "disputable".

So, this is what is really happening in Syria. We are being fed lies by our inglorious media. We are assisting terrorists. We are fomenting a civil war there, just like we did in Libya, so we can either claim R2P or invade Syria. Overthrowing Bashar al Assad will leave a road wide open all the way for NATO to move forward into Tehran.

And that is when the real trouble will really start. And Fisk can help stop this by reporting the clear links between the armed terrorists and NATO.

[1] Robert Fisk: The fearful realities keeping the Assad regime in power, The Independent, 04/03/2012

[2] Robert Fisk: The regime calls it 'cleaning', but the dirty truth is plain to see, The Independent, 01/03/2012

[3] Robert Fisk on Al Jazeera, 16/11/2011,

[4] Robert Fisk on Al Jazeera, 28/02/2012,

[5] Residents of Baba Amr say they feel safe after armed groups arrested, PressTV, 04/03/2012

[6] Red Cross blocked in Homs amid atrocity crossfire, Russia Today, 03/03/2012

[7] For the release of our compatriots and colleagues held captive in Baba Amr, Thierry Meyssan,, 26/02/2012

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