
Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The Syrian Al Qaeda rebs have finally owned up to what we all knew anyway, that they were responsible for the car bombs in Damascus last weekend.

Our NATO media and leaders naturally assumed it was that evil, dastardly Bashar al-Assad because NATO and al Qaeda are in love and in NATO's eyes al Qaeda can do no wrong, including raping, torturing and executing not only black Libyans but now Syrians are experiencing that special NATO/al Qaeda love. So our NATO media and leaders accused that evil, dastardly Bashar al-Assad of committing state sponsored terrorism, but only quietly accused him. Because if they loudly accused al Assad then people here just might start thinking, "Well, hang on. If al Assad can do it over there, then maybe it's possible that all those people we have been told are crazy conspiracy theorists might just be right about 9/11".


We were right it was the Syrian al Qaeda rebs terrorising Damascus and Aleppo with car bombs.

And we are right about 9/11 being the mother of all inside jobs.

So where is the condemnation of the Syrian al Qaeda rebs?


Syrian al-Qaeda Takes Credit for Deadly Bombings

Kurt Nimmo
March 21, 2012

Homs-based al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant claimed responsibility for bombings in Syria over the weekend. Three suicide bombings in Damascus killed 27 people on Saturday and an explosion went off near a Syrian government security building in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday.

In February, U.S. intelligence boss James Clapper said earlier attacks “had all the earmarks of an al-Qaeda-like attack” and added that “we believe al-Qaeda in Iraq is extending its reach into Syria.” Ayman al-Zawahiri, the titular leader of al-Qaeda following the unsubstantiated hit on Osama bin Laden in May of 2011, has announced his support for al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant.

On February 26, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant posted a video on the al-Qaeda linked Shumukh al-Islam forum. The video includes a martyrdom statement by suicide bomber Abu al-Bara’a al- Shami. The al-Nusra Front to Protect the Levant announced the creation of the “Free Ones of the Levant Brigades” in a YouTube video posted on January 23. The group claimed an attack on security headquarters in Idlib in the statement.

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